Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

51 – The X-Istentialists, Featuring Kris Anka, Marguerite Bennett, Kieron Gillen, and Peter Nguyen

Art by David Wynne. We're not selling prints of this one, but you can still hit David up for the original!
Art by David Wynne. We’re not selling prints of this one, but you can still hit David up for the original!

In which Rachel and Miles go to Emerald City Comicon; six people try to share one microphone with varying success; you will never love anything as much as Kris loves Broo; Marguerite may or may not be a time-traveling supervillain; Peter is Laser Guy; Kieron joins an X-team; Hell is other X-Men; everyone lies egregiously; and it all comes back to Namor’s abs.

Special thanks to Jean, who let us borrow her mic and pop filter at the very last second when we realized we’d left ours in Portland! <3


  • Namor’s last name
  • Several Secret Wars titles
  • Wiz Kid
  • Favorite characters
  • Lady Deathstrike’s new look
  • Seanan McGuire’s cats
  • Machetes of Future Past
  • Emily Aster
  • Asteroid P
  • Secret origins
  • Points of entry
  • Headcanon
  • The Wolverine and the X-Men Season 2 that might have been
  • The pros and cons of an isolated X-universe
  • The X-Istentialists
  • Hela’s Angels
  • Namor’s abs
  • What defines the X-Men
  • Mr. Sinister
  • Our X-movie wish lists
  • Wes Anderson’s X-Men (both of them)

NEXT WEEK: Previously on Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Help us keep making cool stuff on Patreon!

We’re not selling prints of this week’s illustration, but you can still contact David Wynne to inquire after the original!


Rachel and Miles Fail to Review the X-Men

Actually, that’s not entirely true. Miles totally reviewed the X-Men, and then I tried to download the files over the crap hotel WiFi so I could edit them, and, yeah, that is definitely not happening.

(Incidentally: This is Rachel, reporting live-ish from Norwescon! I was on five panels today, including a last-minute pinch hit on the Queer Comics panel, and I am a little con-giddy, so.)

ANYWAY, here are some brief thoughts to fill the gaping void the video reviews would otherwise occupy:

Cyclops #12: I am kind of bummed that Black Vortex Cyclops isn’t just Space Pirate Cyclops from Mutant X. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense, but it would be awesome.

Wolverines #19: Can Fantomelle and X-23 run away and be benevolent teen supercriminals together? I would read that book.

Uncanny Avengers #3: I’m still completely indifferent to this arc, but it’s worth it for the Waiting for the Trade strips it has inspired.

PICK OF THE WEEK: Namor’s abs, wherever they may appear.

PANEL OF THE WEEK: I had a really good time on Nuts & Bolts of Comics Writing with G. Willow Wilson today! (Norwescon just recently began introducing comics programming–it’s mostly an old-school SFF con–so today’s comics track ended up being like 90% the Rachel and Willow Show. Also, I just realized that all but one of the comics panels I was on today were all women, and none of them were women-in-comics panels, and that is so cool.)

IN OTHER NEWS: I am really excited about Siege. Kieron Gillen writing Abigail Brand a bunch of Sinister-created Summers clones doing a desperate Westeros Night’s Watch-inflected story? Yes, please.

COMING UP SUNDAY IN THE PODCAST: Our ECCC roundtable with Kieron Gillen, Marguerite Bennet, Kris Anka, Peter Nguyen. Namor’s abs.



April 2015 T-Shirt & Leggings of the Month: Demon Bear

Because you demanded* it: THE DEMON BEAR SHIRT!

Art by David Wynne!
Art by David Wynne!

When David Wynne’s gorgeous Demon Bear illustration went up with Episode 32, a lot of you asked when you’d see it on a t-shirt. We are happy to announce that your wait is over: the Demon Bear is officially April’s t-shirt of the month!

But that’s not all: we’re also doing a limited run of Demon Bear leggings! Do YOU want to wrap your entire body in a nightmare creature from dimensions beyond human ken?** CONGRATULATIONS. NOW YOU CAN.


Demon Bear t-shirts and leggings will be available until May 1, 2015, then disappear forever. (Travel mugs will of course continue to stick around for as long as they remain hilarious.)

*Actually, you have been asking very politely for a very long time now. We appreciate that.

**Before someone asks: We did in fact try to do a Screaming Bear Crotch variant, but alas, it did not work out with the placement of the seams on Redbubble leggings.

ECCC Cosplay Round-Up

Rachel here!

I know I didn’t catch all of the great X-cosplay at Emerald City Comicon this past weekend, but here are a handful of my favorites from the show floor!

Thanks to everyone in this gallery for taking the time to pose, and for giving us permission to post your photos here! Only one of you gave us contact info; if anyone else would like me to add credits and/or a link (or to take your photo down), please drop a line and let me know!

As Mentioned in Episode 50 – The People Vs. Erik Lehnsherr

Listen to the podcast here!



50 – The People Vs. Erik Lehnsherr

Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 4/5/2015 in the shop, or contact David for the original.
Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 3/29/2015 in the shop, or contact David for the original.

In which Magneto makes an official alignment shift; Claremont does a court drama; Professor Xavier makes poor choices; Rachel Summers comes by her communication skills honest; the Strucker kids are the evil Wonder Twins; and the podcast hits a major milestone!


  • Xorn
  • Uncanny X-Men #196, 199, and 200
  • The X-Men status quo circa 1985
  • Magneto’s alignment shift
  • Beyonder-related existential crises
  • A hypothetical murder mystery
  • Minor vandalism as a harbinger of dark futures
  • Psi-scream
  • Brood classified ads
  • A thematic parallel
  • The tipping point in Scott and Madelyne’s relationship
  • The new, improved Magneto
  • The Professor Who Cried Wolf
  • Phoenix II
  • Earth-811/Earth-616 disambiguation
  • Freedom Force
  • The Trial of Magneto
  • NPR-616
  • James Jaspers
  • The best editor’s note
  • The mystery of Magneto’s age
  • Andrea & Andreas Strucker
  • What not to wear to court
  • A super icky sword
  • Phoenix morality
  • Sponsorship & conflict of interest

NEXT WEEK: Emerald City Comicon special with Kris Anka, Marguerite Bennett, Kieron Gillen, and Peter Nguyen!

You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Support us on Patreon!

Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!

Rachel and Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 31

Week of March 25, 2015.

In which Nightcrawler comes to an end, Rachel finally learns to appreciate Black Vortex, we have some feelings about Cyclops and Havok, and you should totally come to the ECCC meetup this Saturday.


  • Nightcrawler #12 (0:55)
  • Amazing X-men #18 (2:22)
  • Wolverines #12 (3:14)
  • *Uncanny X-Men #32 (5:02)
  • All the Black Vortex Tie-Ins (7:30)

*Pick of the Week (10:36)

These video reviews are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

As Mentioned in Episode 49 – Of Mullets and Miracles

Listen to the episode here!


  • Dr. Evermor’s is seriously amazing. If you’re ever in the neighborhood of Sumpter, WI, you should check it out.

49 – Of Mullets and Miracles

Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 3/29/2015 in the shop, or contact David for the original.
Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 3/29/2015 in the shop, or contact David for the original.

In which we meet Miles’s favorite X-Man; Longshot is Secret Wars II done right; we are fairly committed to the idea of Ann Nocenti as a post-apocalyptic daredevil superhero; Longshot is patient zero of the ‘90s; Ricochet Rita is the best; luck is a zero-sum commodity; Mojo is legitimately terrifying; and nuance is Longshot’s secret weakness.


  • Spiral
  • The Body Shop
  • Several ill-advised body swaps
  • Longshot
  • Longshot
  • Rachel Summers Syndrome
  • The evolution of Art Adams
  • The metaphysics of luck
  • The secret origin of pouches
  • A large number of pop culture allusions
  • Glam survivalists
  • Psychometry
  • Moral complexity
  • Gog’n’Magog
  • Ricochet Rita
  • The social economics of jetpacks
  • A whole lot of social satire and commentary
  • Star Slammers
  • Mojo
  • The Mojoverse
  • Luck as a zero-sum commodity
  • Arize
  • Quark
  • Longshot and Dazzler’s star sigils
  • Finding (or creating) your comics community

NEXT WEEK: The Trial of Magneto!

You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Support us on Patreon!

Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!

Rachel and Miles Review the X-men, Episode 30

Week of March 18, 2015

In which Magneto remains magnificent, Cyclops pretty much ends, some very important canon is confirmed, and we can’t believe we’ve done THIRTY of these.


  • All-New X-Men #39 (0:58)
  • Guardians Team-Up #3 (2:25)
  • *Magneto #16 (4:21)
  • Wolverines #11 (7:01)
  • Cyclops #11 (9:03)
  • Storm #9 (11:04)

*Pick of the Week (13:23)

These video reviews are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!