Tag: Silver Samurai
457 – Stinking at the Moon
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- Dazzler’s murder trial
- X-Men Unlimited #24
- The past and future of X-Men Unlimited
- Doctor Cecilia Reyes
- Ghost Pirate Cap’n Bloodscream
- Wolverine and friends
- Pushing your kid out of a plane as a basic first aid skill
- Banter
- The Silver Samurai (Keniuchio Harada)
- Sunfire and the Big Hero Six
- Projectile-based wordplay
- Irene Adler, spoiler machine
- Genosha (again)
- The Cabinet of Doctor Lensherr
- Magneto’s panties
- Stupid metaphors
- Football stars and their football cars
- Magneto’s nuanced and baby-filled past
- Generation X #51
- Hunter & Tristan Brawn
- Helicopter grandparents
- Artie & Leech, perpetual moppets
- Emma Frost, forever traumatized
- Generation X’s new costumes
- Gaia as the Bird Boy of Generation X
- Peach Momoko’s Ultimate Armor
- Sauron and the Lizard’s agendas and fashion
- Comic book collecting preferences
NEXT EPISODE: Some damned fine X-Force.
Want to hire J&MXPtXM producer Matt Hunter to produce your podcast? Email him!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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As Mentioned in Episode 369 – Carly Askani
Listen to the episode here.
369 – Carly Askani
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In which Storm & Joseph X-Plain the X-Men, Alex Summers is not brainwashed this time, he promises, Scott Lobdell writes better moments than stories, Ed McGuinness draws very large chins, and it’s Denver the Last Dinosaur, not Denver the Lost Dinosaur
- Uncanny X-Men #339
- Spider-Man disambiguation
- A. Kubert disambiguation
- J. Jonah Jameson (again) (hooray!)
- Sneaking songs
- The history of smoking regulation on airlines
- Creed disambiguation
- Havok’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
- Bonding while falling out of planes
- X-Men #59
- The copyright status of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
- Well-drawn Wolverines
- Hercules vs The Tick
- Wolverine Annual 1996
- The tragic death of Mariko Yashida
- Silver Samurai (Kuniuchio Harada)
- Sunfire (Shiro Yoshida) and what he’s been up to since Fatal Attractions
- Josef Stalin, apparently?
- Red Ronin and its nemesis, a time-lost dinosaur who we assure you is not Godzilla
- Jedi and/or samurai vs. doors
- Our logo fonts
- James Howlett, guidance counselor
- Onslaught but not evil
- Whether Magneto could wield Mjolnir
NEXT EPISODE: The Silver Age with Max Carleton!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 249 – The Parent Trap
Listen to the episode here!
- Go look at Peter Nguyen’s Gifted illustrations and cry for the comics that might have been!
249 – The Parent Trap
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In which Sabretooth is weirdly ubiquitous; Maverick is a terrible guest; not all second chances are equivalent; Graydon Creed is the red delicious apple of people; Mystique is the master of murder monologues; and the Darkholmes give the Summers family a run for its dysfunctional money.
- X-Men Unlimited #3-4
- Sabretooth (more) (again)
- Emergency back-up Wolverine
- Faces
- A stained-glass window that is probably a metaphor
- Evocation
- Maverick’s nose
- Maverick’s manners
- Commcast (but not that one)
- Sabretooth’s mind
- The “mystery” of Nightcrawler’s parentage
- Mystique’s murder monologues
- Killing Eve
- The skull of friendship
- Several versions of Nightcrawler’s backstory
- Glove magic
- One way to get out of an awkward family conversation
- The ‘90s X-Men cartoon
- Character migration between media
NEXT EPISODE: Fabian Nicieza!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 222 – A Tale of Two Betsys
Listen to the episode here.
- Listen to our discussion of Psylocke’s original transformation–featuring author Sarah Kuhn–in Episode 137 – Kicky Kinko Killers.
- Marvel’s current EiC has a particularly ugly history when it comes to appropriation of Japanese culture and identities.
222 – A Tale of Two Betsys
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In which it has been a pretty intense month; there is a lot to unpack about Psylocke; we are confused by hip teen lingo; Cyclops definitively lacks game; organized crime is anything but; and the mystery of the third Summers brother officially begins.
- How the Maximoffs joined the Avengers
- X-Cutioner’s Song fallout
- An X-ceptionally convoluted set of retcons
- X-Men #20-23
- How not to repair an airplane
- One way to get out of an awkward conversation
- Several Betsys Braddock
- Revanche
- Dubiously organized crime
- Kwannon
- Nyorin’s diary
- Awkward family conversations
- Mike Milbury
- Twin Peaks Season 3
- Akira Yoshida
NEXT EPISODE: Dracula in Vegas!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
As Mentioned in Episode 113 – Play It Again, Patch
Listen to the episode here.
NOTE: Normally the visual companion is annotated; but frankly, I don’t have it in me to be witty about Wolverine today. Sorry. -Jay

113 – Play It Again, Patch
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CONTENT NOTE: Episode 113 contains fairly extensive discussions of fictional violence, including gun violence. If you don’t want to listen to that right now, that is absolutely okay. If you want to listen to it later, it’ll still be here. And if you never want to listen to it, that is absolutely okay, too.
We were on the fence about whether to post this episode today. We ultimately decided to go ahead, for two reasons:
There’s value in routine in the face of tragedy.
There are times when continuing to exist visibly and publicly is itself an act of defiance.
Love and solidarity to everyone who’s grieving right now, and especially to our Florida friends and family, and to fellow members of the queer community.
-Jay & Miles

In which Wolverine gets an ongoing series; the constitution of Madripoor is probably just a list of pulp noir genre conventions; Tyger Tiger is a kinder, gentler crimelord; Jessica Drew gets possessed a lot; the Silver Samurai and Lindsay McCabe are our dream team; Joe Fixit is a font of endless delight; and someone should probably sit Wolverine down and explain how disguises work.
- The Murasama
- The other Murasama
- Life after Inferno
- Madripoor
- Wolverine #1-10
- The Princess Bar
- O’Donnell
- The hierarchy of Casablanca references
- Roche
- Razorfist
- The Inquisitor
- Sapphire Styx
- Tyger Tiger
- What makes a good solo series
- Lindsay McCabe
- Wolverine’s signature drink
- Possession pants
- Silver Samurai (again)
- Patch
- Bloodsport & Roughouse
- Archie Corrigan and his plane
- Landau, Luckman, & Lake
- Chief Tai
- General Nguyen Ngoc Coy
- Prince Baran and His Remarkable Pants
- Joe Fixit
- The worst possible way to celebrate someone’s birthday
NEXT EPISODE: Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown!
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
Find us on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher!
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!