Tag: Holocaust
327 – The Sounds of Gravity
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In which nobody’s ages ever make sense; Sebastian Shaw catches up on villain speeches; nobody puts Louise Simonson in a corner; Tabitha Smith has a bad day; Gambit and Bat Manuel have a lot in common; and Warpath outruns Adam X.
- X-Force #49-51
- Haircuts
- The return off Sebastian Shaw
- Stansfield
- A series of kidnappings
- Solar-powered superpowers
- Attempted murder
- Memories
- Cable as an audience surrogate
- Tabitha’s new codename
- The first Tick live-action series
- Warpath’s running speed
- Risqué
- What gravity sounds like
- X-leisure activities
- Magneto’s human name/s
NEXT EPISODE: A Tale of Two Beasts
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As Mentioned in Episode 301 – Can’t Beat the Real Thing
Listen to the episode here.
301 – Can’t Beat the Real Thing
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In which we enter our fourth century of podcasting with brand new theme music; we have both Wolverine questions and wolverine questions; it is extremely rough to be Bishop; the creator of Garfield may or may not live in a sewer on Earth-616; Rogue needs better coping mechanisms; bigotry is depressingly timeless; and everything is Onslaught now.
- Joseph’s Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
- Our new theme music
- X-Men Prime #1
- A genuinely cool cover gimmick
- What happened after the end of the world
- Boundaries
- War crimes vs. fashion crimes
- Destruction of real landmarks in fiction
- A mysterious assailant
- Actual embodied chaos god Jim Davis and his Earth-616 namesake
- Several memorable Garfield stories
- Marrow (Sarah Rushman)
- The secret origin of the Morlocks
- A friendship we miss
- Unhealthy coping mechanisms
- The perennially dubious journalistic ethics of Trish Tilby
- Dennis
- The death of Dennis
- Flaws of the mutant metaphor (more) (again)
- Several refugees from Earth-295
- Mr. Summers and Mr. Summers
- The secret origin of the Genoshan mutates
- The Acolytes
- The continuing relevance of the mutant metaphor (more) (again)
- Cross-universe characterization
NEXT EPISODE: The fall of Avalon!
NOTE: The Garfield strips Jay mentions appeared in newspapers, on purpose, in October 1989.
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As Mentioned in Episode 300 – Götterdämmerung
Listen to the episode here.
- Janet K. Lee makes really, really gorgeous comics and other art.
- A lot of the episodes we mentioned are in the roundup from our 5th anniversary episode.
- You can hear more about Jay’s chickens-in-law in Hawk Talk: Florida Mans
300 – Götterdämmerung
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In which the Age of Apocalypse comes to an end; Angel briefly lives up to his potential; Bishop was sometimes right; It’s not a climactic ending without an X-Men #137 reference; Colossus breaks our hearts; X-Men: Marvels Snapshot will be out in September; and somehow we have made 300 of these things.
- Beast vs. Dark Beast
- X-Men: Omega
- The entirety of the (first) Age of Apocalypse
- Potpourri vs. incense
- Dramatic hair
- Many, many errors
- Unforeseen consequences
- A long-anticipated team-up
- Many deaths
- Art as artifact
- Narration that has haunted Jay for 20 years
- One of the more persistent deaths of David Haller
- Blast Attack
- The end of a world
- Refugees from the Age of Apocalypse
- Our favorite X-milestone issues
- Theoretical teams
- Orphans
- When X-Men: Marvels Snapshot is actually coming out
- Our favorite show bits
- How Jay’s chickens-in-law are doing
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 290 – The Obvious, the Silly, and the True
290 – The Obvious, the Silly, and the True
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In which it’s kind of a relief to be talking about a fictional apocalypse right now; Joe Madureira defines the look of the mid-late 1990s; Sunfire is less cheesecake than crepes Suzette; it all comes back to capes; Wild Child is more than he seems; Holocaust sucks about as much as you’d expect of someone who picked that code name; Jay has surprisingly strong feelings about Morph; Miles is all about judging some babies; resistance is fundamental to the X-Men’s identity within a superhero-universe paradigm; nobody deserves to be quarantined with Quentin Quire; and our two-week lead is making proofing these podcasts an increasingly surreal experience.
- Several things Blink might have done but did not.
- The status quo as of mid-March, 2020
- Earth-295 (more) (again)
- Astonishing X-Men #1-4
- Our coverage of the core Age of Apocalypse series
- Age of Apocalypse as proof of concept
- The best character design of Earth-295
- Some guy named Rex
- A lake of blood which may or may not be figurative
- Sabretooth’s last-ish stand
- The revolutionary value of silliness
- Jay’s favorite Orwell quote
- The Infinite Processing Plant
- DefCon Armageddon
- A very cool fight scene
- Catharsis
- Mutants without the metaphor
- Best and worst X-Men to be quarantined with
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
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As Mentioned in Episode 288 – Cape Citadel Remix
288 – Cape Citadel Remix
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In which Magneto is a drama llama in any universe (but a remarkably decent parent in at least one); the soap opera hits the Age of Apocalypse; Weapon X is a man made of red flags; Gambit has an OT3; the better man wins; some blanks are better left unfilled; and we would probably not fare too well on Earth-295.
- The other Magnus
- Synchronicity
- Earth-295 (more) (again)
- X-Men Chronicles #1-2
- Selective backstory
- Magneto’s hair
- Wundagore Mountain
- Aesthetics of the Age of Apocalypse
- The X-Men of Earth-295
- Magneto’s pedagogy
- More miscellaneous horsemen
- Weapon X (Logan)
- Cape Citadel, revisited
- The death of the Scarlet Witch
- Disaster Bisexual Gambit
- Wolverine (but not that one)
- Punks who may or may not also be scrimshanders
- Emotionally well-adjusted Quicksilver
- Further miracles of magnetism
- The narrative power of evocation
- Age of Somebody Else
- Jay and Miles of Earth-295
NEXT EPISODE: Summers Family Reunions somehow get even worse.
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