Listen to the podcast here!

Links and Further Reading:
The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage
All Those Signature Moves We Listed Off (We’ll Do a Visual Directory Eventually, We Promise):
- Fastball Special: Colossus throws Wolveine at something.
- Phaseball Special*: Someone throws Kitty through robots
- The Most Comics-Code-Adherent at What He Does*: The thing where Wolverine has his claws out during a fight but doesn’t cut anyone.
- Cue-ball Special*: The thing where Cyclops takes out like six bad guys with ricochets from one optic blast.
- Slippery Slope*: The thing where Iceman tries to be awesome and ends up beating up his teammates by accident.
- Blue-Plate Special Special*: The thing where an X-man uses their powers to prepare lunch.
- The thing where Kitty wrecks everything by accident phasing through it.
- The thing where everyone switches opponents mid-fight, and that’s what turns the tide.
- The thing where Nightcrawler is awfully dashing about beating people up.
- The thing where Storm’s claustrophobia saves the day.
- The thing where Angel just dodges shit for like an hour instead of participating in the fight.
- The thing where Xavier fakes his own death.
- The thing where Cypher and/or Kitty and/or Illyana and/or Wolverine do the “Ain’t I a stinker?” thing from the control booth of the Danger Room.
- The thing where Cyclops uses his optic blasts to slow or stop inertia or a fall.
- The thing where Storm has no powers and STILL kicks someone’s ass into next week.
- The thing where Colossus and Wolverine throw themselves at Magneto every goddamn time despite being made of metal.
*We made these names up. They are not official canon, but we live in hope.