Tag: Franklin Richards
189 – How Do You Solve a Problem Like Nate Summers?
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In which Jay’s mom broke the Internet; correct credits are important; everyone has a Danger Room; no one needs that many teeth; there are so many reasons to laugh at Stryfe; the Watcher is probably affiliated with Pepperidge Farm; Boom Boom is the Rogue of X-Force; and Cable’s pouches are definitely full of menstrual products.
- The Franklin Richards of Earth X
- The One True Cable
- X-Force #5-7
- Pocket-Size Juggernaut
- A novel approach to trauma surgery
- A moment of intersectionality
- Teeth of the early ’90s
- Soft pink bags of rice-paper flesh
- A villain speech
- X-Force’s bathtub
- Several Shel Silverstein poems that may or may not be about superheroes
- Cooking with Boom Boom
- Why the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants keeps the “Evil” in their name
- Thornn (Lucia Callasantos)
- Phantazia
- Writers vs. Scripters
- Sex Ed at the Xavier School
- The Worst Twitter Thread
NEXT EPISODE: BLOODLUST! (But not inquiry.)
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152 – Ghosts of Future Present
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In which Franklin Richards makes everything more complicated; Reed Richards is a terrible parent; Days of Future Present is a surprisingly good ghost story; Valeria Richards is awesome (but does not appear in this crossover); everyone’s got hounds these days; Banshee is your sad cyborg dad; Phoenix has a lot of feelings; and X-Factor once again manages to up the ante for child endangerment.
- Nightcrawler’s brief clerical career
- Days of Future Present
- Annuals, in general
- Some extraordinarily specific Namor headcanon
- Fantastic Four Annual #23
- New Mutants Annual #6
- X-Factor Annual #5
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #14
- Franklin Richards
- Several statuses quo
- The reproductive potential of Doombots
- Ms. Marvel (Sharon Ventura)
- Ahab
- A Code Red Time Emergency
- One of Jay’s dream pitches
- Your sad cyborg dad
- The worst tea party
- One hell of a kiss
- Robocop vs. Terminator
NEXT EPISODE: Excalibur gets eclectic!
The visual companion to this episode will be up later this week.
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As Mentioned in Episode 146 – Asshole Factor
Listen to the podcast here.
146 – Asshole Factor (feat. Elisabeth Allie)
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In which Elisabeth plans for her reign as Omniversal Majestrix; Hulks and moons are two great tastes that go great together; Nightcrawler takes the lead; Alastair gets a new gadget; it’s just not a cosmic event without Alan Davis; Mastermind is still the absolute worst; Excalibur fixes problems by playing dress-up; Moira MacTaggert desperately needs to hire some staff; and Jamie Braddock is legitimately terrifying.
- M’gubgub
- Nth Man
- Excalibur #25-27
- Nova (Frankie Raye)
- The continually poor decisions of Brian Braddock
- A convergence of cosmic forces
- Lumberjack Death
- Character growth both literal and metaphorical
- A cosmic snit
- Asshole Factor
- A villainous ruse
- Several rounds of reality warping
- Definitive incarnations of characters
NEXT EPISODE: Rictor has issues!
You can find a visual companion to this episode on the blog!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
We’re in the process of migrating our official shop to TeePublic! Click over to check it out! (You can still find the designs we haven’t moved yet at Redbubble.)
122 – Boom Boom Von Doom and the Ontology of Monsters
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In which the back-up stories of Atlantis Attacks are way better than the main event; the Serpent Society is hilarious; Longshot finds a rock; the S.U.R.F.E.R.S. are no Neutrinos; our volume of digressions is inversely proportional to our investment in this crossover; Jay overthinks sunglasses; and somehow we still aren’t entirely done with Inferno.
- Leonard McKenzie
- Princess Fen
- Tiger Shark
- A dubious crossover event and three splendid backup stories
- The best thing in Marvel Puzzle Quest
- Skateman
- Atlantis Attacks
- Uncanny X-Men Annual #13
- New Mutants Annual #5
- X-Factor Annual #4
- Ghaur
- Llyra
- Homo mermanus
- The Serpent Society
- Boomslang
- Why snakes don’t wear vests
- The Maple Hill Farm books
- The Horn of Doom (again)
- Namorita
- Impractical swimwear
- Surf, or S.U.R.F.E.R.S., or whoever the hell they are
- Zak and the Neutrinos
- The trouble with mobile landmarks
- A case of mistaken identity
- The true meaning of something, probably
- Ralph Macchio, but not that Ralph Macchio
- Circumstances in which it is acceptable to throw a small child down an elevator shaft
- The definitive Boom Boom
- Eligible gentlemen of the Marvel Universe
- Boom Boom Von Doom
- A false dichotomy
- Sally Pashkow
- A really great outfit
- Presidencies rated by X-Books
- Best and worst moral inversions
NEXT WEEK: Mojo Mayhem!
ART CHALLENGE: Send your best Boom Boom romance stories, covers, and pin-ups to xplainthexmen(at)gmail.com by SEPTEMBER 15, with the subject line BOOM BOOM RULES.
NOTE: In this episode, Jay briefly confused two Marvel villain teams: the Serpent Society (snake-themed villains); and the Sons of the Serpent, also known as the Serpent Men (hate group). We would like to offer our apologies to the Serpent Society, who are ridiculous but not, as far as we know, racist.
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
As Mentioned in Episode 112 – Embers of Inferno (feat. Sam Humphries)
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112 – Embers of Inferno (feat. Sam Humphries)
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In which we cover (almost) all of the Inferno tie-ins with the help of writer Sam Humphries; the Marvel Universe used to be really X-Centric; Jarvis is unstoppable; Daredevil fights a vacuum cleaner; it’s probably best not to ask about the whole Celestial Madonna thing; Power Pack gets incredibly upsetting; working in comics makes you appreciate crossovers on a whole new level; and we’d all really have liked to have seen Guy Davis’s Inferno.
- Peter Quill’s brief music career
- Widget
- The Amazing Spider-Man #311-313
- Spectacular Spider-Man #146-148
- Web of Spider-Man #47-48
- Avengers #298-300
- Power Pack #42-44
- Daredevil #262, 263, 265
- Cloak and Dagger (vol. 3) #4
- Fantastic Four #322-324
- Inferno, as a whole
- The fate of Madelyne Pryor
- Jay’s Madelyne Pryor song
- How working in comics taught us to appreciate crossovers
- Our ideal Inferno artists
NEXT EPISODE: So. Much. Wolverine.
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
As Mentioned in Episode 84 – The Fourth Horseman
Listen to the podcast here.

84 – The Fourth Horseman
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In which Franklin Richards is the center of a disproportionate number of X-Men specials; Quicksilver without powers is comedy gold; Luna is the best little girl on the moon (but it’s kind of a low bar); Jay accidentally cares about the Inhumans; Jean Grey may or may not be the Wesley Willis of X-Factor; Cameron Hodge’s exit interview is weirdly professional; Boom Boom is the best reluctant hero; and Archangel makes his debut.
- Quicksilver’s team associations
- Knights of Wundagore
- Chthon
- X-Factor Annual #2
- X-Factor #21-23
- The Inhumans
- Black Bolt
- Medusa
- Crystal
- Lockjaw
- QWOP Quicksilver
- Leech’s wildly inconsistent powers
- Gorgon
- Luna
- Headbutting ghosts, or, why sentence structure matters
- Maximus
- Several methods of mind control
- A really terrible place for a date
- Cameron Hodge: Bureaucrat Supervillain
- The last will & testament of Warren Worthington III
- Another superpower pet peeve
- A theoretical team-up we would love to see
- The Arlington Interactive Museum of (evil) Science
- Some really dumb armor
- Archangel
- Our preferred third Summers brothers
NEXT WEEK: Secret Convergence on Infinite Podcasts!
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Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!