Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Welcome to Imzy, J&MXtX-M! Hope You Survive the… You Know.


Jay here, with a brief break from our regularly-scheduled programming! Along with a handful of other podcasts and communities, we’re part of a very small closed beta for a new community-oriented social platform, Imzy; and we’re very pleased to finally be able to invite you to join us!

If you’ve been around long, you may have noticed that we keep a pretty tight lock on the social media we use. We don’t have a Facebook page. We use Tumblr very casually, and largely to boost and crosspost material from our website. Our YouTube comments are permanently disabled; and we do everything we can to direct discussion to the comments here.

There’s a reason for that: it’s incredibly important to us to have our community spaces be fun, civil, and safe; and for those qualities to be supported at an infrastructural level. The community that has come together–largely independently–around this podcast is freaking amazing. You are some of the most engaged, enthusiastic, and all-around nice people we’ve ever met, on or off the Internet. And we want to keep it that way.

Which is part of why we’re excited about Imzy. It’s explicitly oriented around communities–think the rough structure reddit with actual oversight, infrastructure, and active anti-harassment tools. If it works the way we’re hoping it will, it’ll mean a community that you can post directly to–not just comment on our stuff–and a lot of new ways to engage.

Not only is this so far shaping up to be a pretty cool platform, but you also get a totally sweet bribe for joining us there, because Imzy commissioned an X-clusive giveaway t-shirt from the always-amazing Dylan Todd:


Here’s how it works: Click over here, and enter your info; and we’ll get back to you with an official beta invite ASAP! We’ll also have physical cards with invite codes with us at ECCC.

As I wrote above, we’re pretty excited about this community, but mostly? We’re really looking forward to seeing you there. <3


September 2015 Shirt of the Month: I SURVIVED SECRET WARS

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As yet another crossover event draws to a close, it’s time to count our longboxes, lick our wounds, and breathe a sigh of relief that we’ve lived to read another day. In that spirit, we present September’s shirt of the month, designed by the one and only Dylan Todd!



(Because, really, if there’s one single moment that sums up everything about crossover events, it’s the time Spider-Man had to teach the Beyonder to poop.)

As usual, the design is available on a whole mess of apparel–including kid and infant sizes, because if there’s any lesson you should take away from our podcast, it’s that continuity-heavy bathroom humor is for everyone. There are also tote bags and stickers!

NOTE: This is a limited-run shirt! It will DISAPPEAR FOREVER from the shop on October 1, 2015; get ’em while they last!


May 2015 Shirt of the Month – Nobody Knows I’m a Clone of Jean Grey



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Because these days, who isn’t raised in a tube by Mr. Sinister to guarantee the genetic integrity of the Grey line and eventual downfall of Apocalypse?


This month, designer Dylan Todd takes us straight up to the intersection of mad science and cosmic forces! What could possibly go wrong?

Nobody Knows I’m a Clone of Jean Grey is available in adult and children’s styles and stickers until June 1, 2015, at which point it will disappear forever! Or will it? With that phoenix in the logo, you can never be quite sure…

(For mildly unsettling couple’s cosplay, pair with Probably a Summers Brother.)



February 2015 T-Shirt of the Month: What Would Peter Corbeau Do?



Who’s the man who holds the Marvel Universe together while the superheroes are out gallivanting around the galaxy?

Super Doctor Astronaut Peter Corbeau, that’s who.

He’s got two Nobel prizes. He built his own space station. He survived splitting rent with the Hulk, swam across the Atlantic Ocean, snuck the X-Men into space, and is the namesake of the most unimpeachably legitimate award in comics.

And when you hit a moral or personal or scientific dilemma that will only stand for the most awesome possible solution, there’s only one question you need to ask: What Would Peter Corbeau Do?

In that spirit, it is our great pleasure to debut February 2015’s t-shirt of the month, designed by the ever-splendid Dylan Todd!

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As the name implies, this is a LIMITED RUN: T-shirts and hoodies (including kids’ and infant sizes!) will be up in the shop through March 1, 2015, then DISAPPEAR FROM THE SHOP FOREVER. (Tote bags and travel mugs may persist, depending on interest. We’ll see.)

T-shirts of the month are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Shirt of the Month – December 2014

A few days ago, our Patreon supporters unlocked t-shirts of the month, and it is our very great pleasure to introduce the first of those, in which designer Dylan Todd pays homage to one of our very favorite Claremont catchphrases!

As the name implies, this is a LIMITED RUN: T-shirts (including kids’ and infant sizes!) will be up in the shop through January 5, 2014 (after this, switches’ll happen on the first of any given month, but we’re posting this one a little late, so), then DISAPPEAR FROM THE SHOP FOREVER. (Stickers may persist, depending on interest. We’ll see.)


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T-shirts of the month are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Art, Shirts, and an Announcement

You’ve probably already seen it in the Episode 24 posts, but we are so in love with David’s Ororo: Queen of the Galaxy illustration that we’re posting it one more time for good measure. If you’re a collector of discerning taste, you can still snap up the original from David here; prints will be available here through October 5.


Ororo, Queen of the Galaxy, by David Wynne
Ororo, Queen of the Galaxy, by David Wynne

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT (and we really wanted one), Probably a Summers Brother t-shirts (and stickers, and tote bags, and other stuff) are now available in several permutations at our Redbubble shop, sporting a snazzy design by Dylan Todd. Rachel will be rocking hers at NYCC:

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Finally, on a slightly less cheerful note, it looks like episode 24 will be our last on Comics Alliance. This is a wholly amicable split–they’re shifting some things around in terms of how they handle podcasts, and it didn’t make sense for them to keep us onboard. Rachel’s still writing for them periodically, and updates will continue here–as well as on iTunes and Stitcher–as usual.


Because you demanded it asked very nicely, we have some super cool new swag in the shop!

Way back in our first episode, we discovered the word YAYBO!, the hands-down best exclamation of the Silver Age of X-Men. Ever since, you’ve been asking us to put it on a t-shirt, but we dragged our heels: after all, what design could do justice to the sheer, unbridled enthusiasm of a cry of YAYBO!?

Finally, we enlisted the help of the most enthusiastic dude we know: the Enthusiast himself, Chris Haley of Let’s Be Friends Again, who created this unbelievably kickass graphic, featuring Iceman and two very excited X-Perts:


Chris’s design is also available in super souped-up print-and-card form!


We think Silver-Age Iceman would be proud.


If you’ve been waiting patiently for a version of Dylan Todd’s sweet Magneto Made Some Valid Points design that would show up on dark t-shirts, YOUR MOMENT HAS COME:

Magneto Shirt in Purple


These, as well as the black-ink Magneto, and the sweet Ming Doyle pin-up–are now variously available not only as shirts and stickers, but also as tote bags, prints, posters, greeting cards, and even throw pillows. Want to send your grandmother a “Magneto Made Some Valid Points” birthday card? THAT IS NOW A THING YOU CAN DO. Please tell her “Yaybo!” for us.

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men AND Cover Your Torso




After Episode 2, we couldn’t get this image out of our head–so we hired designer and all-around rad dude Dylan Todd to make it a reality, then slapped it on some t-shirts and stickers at our TeePublic shop!




And if you’re pining to flag our team colors, we’ve also got Ming Doyle’s sweet X-Men #137 homage pinup, likewise available as a t-shirt or sticker:



Go buy some stuff!