Tag: blob
189 – How Do You Solve a Problem Like Nate Summers?
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In which Jay’s mom broke the Internet; correct credits are important; everyone has a Danger Room; no one needs that many teeth; there are so many reasons to laugh at Stryfe; the Watcher is probably affiliated with Pepperidge Farm; Boom Boom is the Rogue of X-Force; and Cable’s pouches are definitely full of menstrual products.
- The Franklin Richards of Earth X
- The One True Cable
- X-Force #5-7
- Pocket-Size Juggernaut
- A novel approach to trauma surgery
- A moment of intersectionality
- Teeth of the early ’90s
- Soft pink bags of rice-paper flesh
- A villain speech
- X-Force’s bathtub
- Several Shel Silverstein poems that may or may not be about superheroes
- Cooking with Boom Boom
- Why the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants keeps the “Evil” in their name
- Thornn (Lucia Callasantos)
- Phantazia
- Writers vs. Scripters
- Sex Ed at the Xavier School
- The Worst Twitter Thread
NEXT EPISODE: BLOODLUST! (But not inquiry.)
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As Mentioned in Episode 64 – Ski Lodge of Apocalypse
Listen to the episode here!

- We’ve linked before to Chris Claremont’s X-Men, but we’re doing it again, because it’s fascinating and you should all go watch it.
- If you are fond of loving snark and deep dives into Marvel continuity, you should really already be reading Max Carleton’s Waiting for the Trade. (If you’re not fond of those things, why are you here?)
64 – Ski Lodge of Apocalypse
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In which Louise Simonson saves X-Factor; Apocalypse gets off to a rough start; Cyclops is bad at people; Apocalypse should be the Kingpin of X-Men; Jean Grey is sick of your bullshit; you should totally cosplay Skids; and Mystique fundamentally misunderstands branding.
- The Maximoff family tree
- The Whizzer
- X-Factor as sketch comedy
- Louise Simonson
- X-Factor #6-8
- Apocalypse
- Bulk
- Glow Worm
- Skids (Sally Blevins)
- Weaponized fashion
- Trish Tilby
- Favorite Claremontisms
- X-Finance
NEXT WEEK: The Mutant Massacre!
Special thanks to Master of Maximoffs Max Carleton of Waiting for the Trade.
A very happy birthday to the Consulting X-Pert Kestrel!
You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!
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Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!
Rachel Recaps X-Men: Evolution
S1E6: Middleverse
I like this episode, because this is where Evolution starts to catch its stride and find its voice. “Middleverse” is kind of a mess animation-wise, but it’s also a one-off, a lighthearted breath of fresh air before we dive headfirst into the Big Ongoing Story next episode.
It also gets bonus points for being a Forge episode, which is almost always a plus. Comics Forge tends to be dark and brooding and at the center of convoluted storylines and soap opera, but two out of three animated Forges are uncomplicatedly delightful. The best animated Forge, of course, is Wolverine and the X-Men Forge, who just straight-up is Miles to the extent that we had his action figure in college and more than one person assumed it was a custom portrait. But Evolution Forge is pretty great, too.
Rachel Recaps X-Men: Evolution S1E4: Mutant Crush
Let me get this out of the way fast: “Mutant Crush” is my least favorite episode of X-Men: Evolution. Yes, even more than “The Cauldron,” which I’m pretty sure is objectively the worst episode of the series.1
But while “The Cauldron” is terrible, it’s hilariously terrible. “Mutant Crush” is. Well. It’s a decently written episode, I guess. And it’s got a lot of moments I dig. It’s just also really fucked up and disturbing, and not in hilarious and pedantic ways.
Seriously: Shit gets dark in this episode. If you don’t want to read a humorous write-up of a story that is essentially about stalking and kidnapping, you may want to skip this one. I recognize that this is essentially a humor column, and I tried to find okay ways to be funny about this episode, but I mostly ended up with a lot of tonal whiplash, and a pretty high volume of commentary on the ways women are socialized to appease violent men, and some really inappropriate references to John Fowles’ The Collector.2
And on that note: Here is a link to the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s help page. NDVH is a pretty solid organization, and in addition to the actual hotlines–which include a phone line and web-based chat, both confidential and anonymous–they’ve got a very good list of resources, including LGBTQI and teen-specific stuff. (NDVH is, however, mostly U.S.-specific. If you know of international resources or have other specific recommendations, please stick ‘em in the comments, and maybe we can get something useful out of this clusterfuck of an episode.)
6 – Days of Future Whatever
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In which we more or less prepare you for the upcoming feature film; Rachel Summers is a black hole of continuity; Kitty Pryde breaks the Danger Room; Earth 200500 is clearly the best earth; even the X-Men have no idea what’s going on; First Class Emma Frost is so boring that we forget she exists; wolverines are definitely not wolves; and you can have Rachel’s Community references when you pry them from her cold, dead hands.
- Rachel Summers
- “Days of Future Past”
- Gravestone engraving standards of 2013
- The Mostly-New, Mostly-Different Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
- Another unfortunate hat
- Causality in the Marvel Multiverse
- Earths 811, 1191, 295, 311, and 200500
- Hall monitors with laser rifles
- How to fix a broken timeline
- The X-Men cinematic universe, and points of divergence from the comics
- The one thing X-Men: The Last Stand does right
- The Xavier Index of Cinematic Continuity
- The difference between Canis lupus and Gulo gulo
- A Days of Future Past cinematic cram course
- Fix-it fic
- Blink, Bishop, and dark-future mash-ups
- The enduring appeal of Earth-811
- The significantly less enduring appeal of Earth-242
- The Nazi Excalibur of Earth-597
You can find a visual companion to the episode – and links to recommended reading – on our blog.
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Next week: Greg Rucka, Cyclops, and Starjammers!
As Mentioned In Episode 1 – The Strangest Podcast of Them All
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