Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Rachel & Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 52

Week of September 2, 2015:

In which X-Men ’92 and Star Lord and Kitty Pryde end; House of M is a better miniseries than event; Age of Apocalypse is a better event than miniseries; and we have big plans for Rose City Comic Con!


  • *X-Men ’92 Infinite Comic #8 (00:42)
  • House of M #2 (03:02)
  • Age of Apocalypse #3 (06:21)
  • Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde #3 (09:06)

*Pick of the Week (11:24)

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

You can find more information about our RCCC lineup over here, and more about the show itself here!


September 2015 Shirt of the Month: I SURVIVED SECRET WARS

Screen Shot 2015-09-01 at 10.01.18 AM

As yet another crossover event draws to a close, it’s time to count our longboxes, lick our wounds, and breathe a sigh of relief that we’ve lived to read another day. In that spirit, we present September’s shirt of the month, designed by the one and only Dylan Todd!



(Because, really, if there’s one single moment that sums up everything about crossover events, it’s the time Spider-Man had to teach the Beyonder to poop.)

As usual, the design is available on a whole mess of apparel–including kid and infant sizes, because if there’s any lesson you should take away from our podcast, it’s that continuity-heavy bathroom humor is for everyone. There are also tote bags and stickers!

NOTE: This is a limited-run shirt! It will DISAPPEAR FOREVER from the shop on October 1, 2015; get ’em while they last!


As Mentioned in Episode 72 – Thrown Under the Plot Bus

Listen to the episode here!


  • Special thanks to the wonderful Adam Warrock for letting us sample his song “Teamwork” in this episode! You can listen to the full track here, and find more of Adam’s work at adamwarrock.com!

72 – Thrown Under the Plot Bus

Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 9/6/2015 at the shop, or contact David to purchase the original.
Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 9/6/2015 at the shop, or contact David to purchase the original.


In which Dazzler is not a team player; Longshot is the Zonker Harris of the X-Men; Juggernaut is That Guy; Rachel and Miles channel Statler and Waldorf; and Alex Summers is seriously never, ever going to finish grad school.


  • Mutant X
  • The only well-adjusted Scott Summers in the Multiverse
  • The Goblin Entity
  • Uncanny X-Men #217-219
  • The evolution of the X-Men’s lineup
  • Standards for a good twist
  • Doonesbury
  • Several Dungeons & Dragons analogies
  • A dubious literary allusion
  • Flying jeeps
  • CrimeBros
  • The fundamental tragedy of Longshot
  • Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and several homages thereto
  • Geordie and Rupert
  • Havok (more) (again)
  • Car-wreck sex
  • An unfortunate end to a camping trip
  • The Plot Bus
  • Several ways to stat Rogue up as a D&D character
  • Narrative-friendly power sets

Special thanks to:

  • The wonderful Adam Warrock, for letting us sample his song “Teamwork” in this episode! You can listen to the full track here, and find more of Adam’s work at adamwarrock.com.
  • Harrison Barber for his X-Pert D&D advice (not to mention nearly fifteen years of tolerating our nonsense at the gaming table)!

NEXT WEEK: X-Men: Evolution with Robert N. Skir!

You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!

Episode 73 Call for Questions – X-Men: Evolution with Robert N. Skir!

Rachel here!

As some of you know, Miles is up at PAX this week, so I’m flying solo on Episode 73. I’ve lined up a super cool guest: Robert N. Skir, who–in addition to writing a handful of episodes of the ’90s X-Men cartoon–is one of the folks responsible for developing X-Men: Evolution, and co-author of the show’s series bible.

If you’ve got questions for Bob–or Evolution questions in general, NOW’S THE TIME TO SEND ‘EM IN! Drop them in the comments here or over at the Tumblr askbox any time today.


While I appreciate that people are so excited, the episode was recorded on Saturday, 8/29. You’re welcome to keep posting questions if it makes you happy to do so, but understand that at this point you’re yelling into the void. -R

Rachel & Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 51 (feat. Katie Moody)

Week of August 26, 2015:

In which Katie Moody saves the day; Magneto ends with a bang; E Is for Extinction continues to be one of the most interesting books to come out of Battleworld; and you should really read Hank Johnson, Agent of Hydra.


  • Magneto #21 (00:47)
  • E is for Extinction #3 (1:59)
  • Old Man Logan #4 (3:27)

Pick of the Week: The Protomen (4:12)

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

The Protomen are the best band ever. You can find out more about them–and listen to a bunch of their music–here.

Special thanks to the amazing Katie and her amazing hair!

Rachel Recaps X-Men: Evolution
S1E7: Turn of the Rogue

AND WE’RE BACK! Hi, Evolution! I’ve missed you!

Not only am I back recapping X-Men: Evolution, but I get to jump back in with my hands-down favorite episode of Season 1.

Remember back in Episode 3, when I told you that a lot of the best stuff in Season 1 revolves around Rogue? This is what I’m talking about, right here. “Turn of the Rogue” is a great showcase of my favorite aspects of X-Men: Evolution: the balance and interaction of the superheroic and the personal; emotionally resonant coming-of-age stories; and some of the strongest writing and performances of the season.

Also, Mystique turns into an eagle.


Continue reading

As Mentioned in Episode 71 – The Once and Fuchsia King

Listen to the episode here!


  • If you’re curious about the Starjammers, go listen to Episode 7 – Cyclops Has a Good Day, in which we discuss them at length with Greg Rucka.
  • The podcast where two dudes watch and review Grown Ups 2 every week is an actual, real thing, which you can listen to here.

71 – The Once and Fuchsia King

Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 8/30/2015 at the shop, or contact David to purchase the original.
Art by David Wynne. Prints and cards available until 8/30/2015 at the shop, or contact David to purchase the original.


In which the New Mutants return from space; Professor Xavier ruins everything; Magneto is the Craig Pelton of X-Men; Cypher carouses shamefully with Hellfire tramps; Karma quits the team; and we wrap up Chris Claremont’s New Mutants run.


  • Leong and Nga Coy Manh
  • New Mutants #51-54
  • The Starjammers (again)
  • The paradox of Professor X
  • Several dramatic speeches
  • The Hellfire Club for Creative Anachronism
  • Plan Omega (but not that one)
  • A fairly epic dress-code violation
  • Magik vs. Limbo
  • A very specific bit of fancasting
  • Best Magneto
  • What X-fans (may or may not) live for
  • A well-wrought nightmare
  • Hellion disambiguation
  • Doug Ramsey’s Fancy Hair
  • New Mutants X Frank Zappa
  • Wacky teen hijinks at the Hellfire Club
  • Carousing shamefully with Hellfire tramps
  • A heroic challenge
  • A counterintuitive heart’s desire
  • Claremont’s New Mutants run.
  • Libraries
  • Emma Frost’s accent
  • The sounds of blastin’

NEXT WEEK: It’s hard to be Havok.

You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Buy prints of this week’s illustration at our shop, or contact David Wynne for the original!