(There’s a “hope you survive the experience” joke in here somewhere…)
Whoadang! We’re currently the featured podcast over at NPR’s earbud.fm!
If you’re new to Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men: It’s exactly what it says on the tin. We are Jay and Miles. (For folks coming in from the start: Rachel goes by Jay these days. Same person.) We explain the X-Men, in very roughly chronological order, sometimes with the help of folks responsible for them.
For a good general introduction to who we are and what we do, we’d recommend listening to the episode Giant-Size Special #1, which covers a stand-alone story (the graphic novel God Loves, Man Kills), along with a lot of bonus material (and significantly more navelgazing than usual).
We also do weekly video reviews of current X-books, which you can find here.
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% listener supported and ad-free. If you want to join the ranks of the rad people who make it possible for us to keep making stuff, you can do that over at Patreon!
Other varyingly relevant links: