This would usually be a skip week, but thanks to some generous donors to Equality Florida, Hawk Talk is back! This week, we talk about basketball. (Kind of.)
In which there’s a lot of good television out there; Shang-Chi says the title of the story at every possible opportunity; Wolverine is probably not a Deadhead; Sebastian Shaw thinks he’s a bigger deal than he is; and Operation Zero Tolerance officially begins.
Storm’s ruby
X-Men #62-65
The Story So Far
Space LEGOs
Shang-Chi’s dad
An excellent fight scene
Word balloon placements
Agent Reston
Elixir Vitae
Several varyingly unexpected resurrections
Cyber Ninjas
Product placement for your own product
Bludgeon, Katana, Fist, and some other guy
Fujikawa Enterprises
Richard Fisk
Rambo heresay
Prime Sentinels
Children of Apocalypse
Carol Danvers substitutions
NEXT WEEK: Hawk talk
NEXT EPISODE: Generation X floats on
The visual companion to this episode will be up later this week.
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
In which Colossus is good at friendship; nobody notices when Amanda Sefton disappears; evil peaked in the disco era; and Pete Wisdom had hot claws before it was cool.
Fun times on Mount Wundagore
Excalibur #111-113
Rob Stotz
Rory Campbell (again)
The return of Sebastian Shaw
MIS departments
Two versions of the same conversation
A palette-swapped wardrobe
Invincible Head Technique
A polite murderer
Ogun, again
A brief possession
Mount Wundagore
Sir Ram
Lord Gator
The Knights of Wundagore
Ace Duck
The High Evolutionary
Artistic turnover
A kiss
A sin-filled and disreputable club
“Je Suis Rick Springfield”
Storylines we’d like to see from bystanders’ perspectives
Professor X’s crush on Marvel Girl
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
In which treading water isn’t always a bad thing; Storm remains an irresponsible leader; nobody should ever trust Dark Beast; we are befuddled by a large metal man; Maggott makes his debut; and we ship the heck out of Deathbird and Bishop.
The time Captain America dated a supervillain
Treading water
Gene Nation (again)
Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997
Uncanny X-Men #345
Humanity’s Last Stand
Boost and Tether
A Star Trek allusion
The Morlock retcon
Maggott (Japheth)
A large metal individual
A large, inconvenient spaceship
Magneto’s relationship to Judaism
Recovery from the Legacy Virus
NEXT EPISODE: Field Trip to Mount Wundagore!
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!
This would usually be a skip week, but thanks to some generous donors to Equality Florida, Hawk Talk is back! This week: Jadzia Axelrod and Jess Taylor’s graphic novel, Galaxy: The Prettiest Star!
In which we make an omission; X-Factor’s concept of “underground” is somewhat unconventional; Trevor Chase turns uncanny moppet; and Strong Guy and Lila Cheney have some very silly space adventures.
X-Factor #134-135
Strong Guy Reborn #1
The “deaths” of X-Factor (again)
Lady Cop
A contextually inappropriate pun
The Adversary (more) (again)
Why you use an air-gapped system
How not to fake your own death
Trevor Chase and his mysterious mutant powers
Rusty Trail
X-Factor X-Ploits
A lot of wasted potential
The Jorken-Kront war
Space stuff
Lila Cheney (more) (again)
Spiff’s Saucers
Calvin & Hobbes licensing in the Marvel Universe
The Chalker Brothers (briefly) (again)
The most useful and fun mutant powers
Musicals with Mister Sinister
NEXT WEEK: Hawk Talk
Check out the visual companion to this episode on our blog.
Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!