Last weekend, we were at new York Comic Con! And it was AWESOME! We’ll be posting stuff from there all week–including episode 27, some photos of very cool X-cosplay, and a special bonus mini-episode–but while we’re recombobulating post-travel, here’s what’s new in Rachel’s Cyclops Has a Good Day sketchbook!
As Mentioned in Episode 26 – The Other Team America (featuring Chris Sims)
Listen to the episode here!
26 – The Other Team America (featuring Chris Sims)
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In which Danielle Moonstar is the Wolverine of the New Mutants, Henry Peter Gyrich is the Walter Peck of the Marvel Universe, Michael Rossi is no Peter Corbeau, Xavier is a Brood Queen (who is a jerk), Bob McLeod draws really good teenagers, the New Mutants do an after-school special, Chris Sims drops in for some emergency X-Plaining, Elsie Carson is the Harvey and Janet of Hydra, and Team America is generally sort of baffling.
- Viper
- Brood stuff
- The original New Mutans (more) (again)
- The New Mutants #1-6
- Denial
- Dani vs. the Danger Room
- Mall stories
- Neighborhood kids
- Henry Peter Gyrich
- Sebastian Shaw (again)
- Project Wideawake (sort of)
- Michael Rossi
- A poorly-timed crossover
- Gabrielle Haller
- A profoundly unethical relationship
- A Very Special Episode
- Overkill
- Magnum, P.I.
- Team America (but not that one)
- Elsie Carson, middle manager of Hydra
- The Girl With the Silver Eyes
- X-Men reading order
The visual companion for this episode will go up mid-week, due to New York Comic-Con generally kicking our asses (Among MANY other things, Rachel is tweeting–mostly cool X-cosplay pics–from the show floor, and Miles is working at the Dark Horse booth. Come say hi!). Meanwhile, for further supplemental material, we recommend reading Chris’s in-depth history of Team America:
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We’re at NYCC! And You Made Art!
Reminder: No video reviews this week, ’cause we’re at NYCC! Meanwhile: Art!

Cyclops Has a Good Day, by Jenny Yule
Rachel here!
As some of you no doubt remember from Episode 7 (waaaaaaay back when), my con sketchbook’s theme is Cyclops Has a Good Day. While the sketchbook itself is purely physical media, you splendid folks will once in a while e-mail me a digital entry, and they are universally delightful.
This week’s comes from Jenny Yule, who has worked out what I am pretty sure is the absolute best recreational use of Cyclops’s powers AND gave me a total nostalgia rush for the weird old Ambroisia game Harry the Handsome Executive, which I would now very much like to see given a superhero revamp. BEHOLD:
The All-New, All-Different, All-Unofficial Kitty’s Kostume Korner!
Last week, we challenged you to help us revive that awesome ’80s celebration of Kitty Pryde’s Spectacular Revolving Wardrobe, Kitty’s Kostume Korner! Much as we love the classic yellow-and-black she’s been sporting for the last decade-plus, we remember when Kitty reinvented her costume twice an issue–and you sent us some great revamps in that tradition. Click through for the full lineup!

An additional note regarding fan art, costume design, and sourcing: There’s one image we didn’t run, because it was done directly on unsourced art by another artist. We totally get that sometimes that’s the simplest way to do a design, and the person who submitted it was in no way attempting to claim the original art or plagiarize–but if you’re submitting a piece like that, the source needs to be noted and visible in the image–and, ideally, used with the permission of the original artist–for us to run it on this blog, i.e. “Recolored from [artist] design” or “drawn over art by [artist].”
If–like us–you’re someone whose costume design aspirations outpace your drawing skills, we also recommend resources like Hero Factory (again, we recommend citing ’em if you’re using ’em, as Rick did above).
As Mentioned in Episode 25 – The Best at What He Does
Listen to the episode here!

Further Reading:
25 – The Best at What He Does
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In which Wolverine gets his first miniseries, Yukio is still (and forever) the best, we categorically reject the classification “manic pixie dreamgirl,” everything is noir as hell, Wolverine gets an Iron Giant moment, Storm is too cool for your dress code, and we finally made “Probably a Summers Brother” t-shirts.
- X-23
- The 1982 Wolverine miniseries
- Uncanny X-Men #172-173
- Rachel’s Wolverine feelings
- An auspicious road trip
- Early Frank Miller
- A really epic team-up
- Plug’n’play storytelling
- How to tell a good Wolverine story
- Mariko Yashida
- Honor
- Shingen Yashida
- Yukio
- The Inverse Law of Ninjas
- The Forty-Seven Ronin
- Silver Samurai
- Viper
- A Ninja meet-cute
- The Cyclops / Wolverine double standard
- The secret origins of Wolverine’s mask and hair
Next Week: The New Mutants meet Team America!
You can find a visual companion to the episode – and links to recommended reading – on our blog.
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Rachel and Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 8
Week of October 1, 2014
In which we are underwhelmed.
- Death of Wolverine #3
- X-Men #20
- Uncanny Avengers #25
- Thor #1*
*pick of the week
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Last Day for Kitty’s Kostume Korner!
Last week, we asked you to send in your ideas for a new costume for Kitty Pryde – any era, any codename. We’ve gotten some very cool ones already, but we’re extending the deadline for the official roundup by one more day to give latecomers a chance to send in their designs.
For inspiration, here’s Kitty doing her best magical-girl transformation twirl in Uncanny X-Men #168: