Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

Rachel & Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 33

Week of April 15, 2015:

In which Jordie Bellaire is our god now, Black Vortex is way too long, and Miles makes gremlin noises.


  • Spider-Man and the X-Men #5 (0:28)
  • Uncanny X-Men #33 (1:55)
  • *Magneto #17 (3:59)
  • Legendary Star-Lord #11 (5:46)
  • Wolverines #14 (8:01)

*Pick of the Week (9:39)

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

New Milestone Goals!

Quick update to let you know that we’ve added a new set of milestone goals to the Patreon!

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 2.43.12 PM

  • PODCAST WIKI – $2750/month
    Wondering which questions showed up in which episode, or where to find that one cold open about Fantomex? When we hit this goal, we’ll start work on an exhaustive wiki and question index!
  • WEBSITE REVAMP – $3000/month
    We’ll ditch our DIY setup and hire an actual web designer to revamp (and regularly maintain and update) the site!
  • A/V UPGRADE AND NEW PROJECTS – $3300/month
    We’ll upgrade our video production setup, and start producing some new video and audio content–including some larger projects*–in addition to the podcast and video reviews.

When we first launched the podcast a little over a year ago, we had no idea how large it would grow, or how quickly; and since then, it’s been a nonstop race to keep up. As a result, a lot of what we’ve done has felt less like building something to last than improvising a series of on-the-fly fixes–for instance, our very rudimentary (and mobile-unfriendly) website.

So, while previous milestones have been all about offering more content–posts, merch, recaps, video reviews, and more–this series of goals is all about creating a better and more sustainable infrastructure from which to run the current stuff and launch some projects* that we’re really, really excited about. Hiring a professional to build us a website that works. Organizing and indexing the mountain of material we’ve covered in a year+ worth of podcasts. Shifting more of the organizational and administrative hours to AdministratriX Tina, and using some of that time to get new stuff up and running.

Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men is entirely listener supported, and that means that everything we do here is possible because of you. Thank you for helping us get to where we are, and helping us stay ad-free and independent–and thank you in advance for helping us continue to grow!

*Top secret, at least for now; but SO COOL. Seriously. Hardcore pipe-dream stuff; we’re kinda freaking out at the idea that we might actually get to do some of these for real.

Rachel Recaps X-Men: Evolution

S1E4: Mutant Crush

Let me get this out of the way fast: “Mutant Crush” is my least favorite episode of X-Men: Evolution. Yes, even more than “The Cauldron,” which I’m pretty sure is objectively the worst episode of the series.1

But while “The Cauldron” is terrible, it’s hilariously terrible. “Mutant Crush” is. Well. It’s a decently written episode, I guess. And it’s got a lot of moments I dig. It’s just also really fucked up and disturbing, and not in hilarious and pedantic ways.

Seriously: Shit gets dark in this episode. If you don’t want to read a humorous write-up of a story that is essentially about stalking and kidnapping, you may want to skip this one. I recognize that this is essentially a humor column, and I tried to find okay ways to be funny about this episode, but I mostly ended up with a lot of tonal whiplash, and a pretty high volume of commentary on the ways women are socialized to appease violent men, and some really inappropriate references to John Fowles’ The Collector.2

And on that note: Here is a link to the National Domestic Violence Hotline’s help page. NDVH is a pretty solid organization, and in addition to the actual hotlines–which include a phone line and web-based chat, both confidential and anonymous–they’ve got a very good list of resources, including LGBTQI and teen-specific stuff. (NDVH is, however, mostly U.S.-specific. If you know of international resources or have other specific recommendations, please stick ‘em in the comments, and maybe we can get something useful out of this clusterfuck of an episode.)


Continue reading

As Mentioned in Episode 52 – Previously on Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men…

Listen to the episode here!

Art by David Wynne.
Art by David Wynne.

Given the nature of this week’s episode, we decided against putting together a visual companion (we instead recommend clicking through the preceding visual companions as fast as you can). However, we did assemble a handy index of every single previous episode, which you can find below the cut!

Continue reading

52 – Previously on Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men…

Art by David Wynne.
Art by David Wynne.

In which we recap a year’s worth of podcasts–and 23 years’ worth of X-Men–in under an hour.


  • Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Episodes 1-51
  • Uncanny X-Men #1-200 & assorted annuals
  • Giant-Size X-Men #1
  • The New Mutants
  • New Mutants #1-35 & assorted annuals and specials
  • The Uncanny X-Men and the New Teen Titans
  • God Loves, Man Kills
  • Wolverine vol. 1
  • X-Men/Micronauts
  • Storm and Illyana: Magik
  • Kitty Pryde and Wolverine
  • Dazzler: The Movie
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Firestar
  • Secret Wars vol. 1
  • Secret Wars vol. 2
  • Longshot
  • Several other assorted X and X-relevant stories
  • Our pipe-dream pitches
  • Multiversal designations

NEXT WEEK: The return of Jean Grey!

Special thanks to R. Pawson for the WHAT?! supercut!

You can find a companion index to the material mentioned in this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Help us keep making cool stuff on Patreon!

We’re not selling prints of this week’s illustration, but you can still contact David Wynne to inquire after the original!


Rachel and Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 32

Week of April 8, 2015 (and one from last week)

In which we are weirdly on-theme fashion-wise; Cyclops ends on a high note; we are pretty done with the Black Vortex; and you probably shouldn’t invoke Generation Hope without at least a footnote.

NOTE: Cyclops and Captain Marvel reviews contain spoilers.


  • *Cyclops #12 (0:41)
  • Captain Marvel #14 (5:30)
  • Storm #10 (9:07)

*Pick of the week (12:29)

Rachel and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Abs Mentioned in Episode 51 – The X-Istentialists, Featuring Kris Anka, Marguerite Bennett, Kieron Gillen, and Peter Nguyen

Listen to the episode here!


Special thanks to Elle Collins for the last-minute abs-sist.


51 – The X-Istentialists, Featuring Kris Anka, Marguerite Bennett, Kieron Gillen, and Peter Nguyen

Art by David Wynne. We're not selling prints of this one, but you can still hit David up for the original!
Art by David Wynne. We’re not selling prints of this one, but you can still hit David up for the original!

In which Rachel and Miles go to Emerald City Comicon; six people try to share one microphone with varying success; you will never love anything as much as Kris loves Broo; Marguerite may or may not be a time-traveling supervillain; Peter is Laser Guy; Kieron joins an X-team; Hell is other X-Men; everyone lies egregiously; and it all comes back to Namor’s abs.

Special thanks to Jean, who let us borrow her mic and pop filter at the very last second when we realized we’d left ours in Portland! <3


  • Namor’s last name
  • Several Secret Wars titles
  • Wiz Kid
  • Favorite characters
  • Lady Deathstrike’s new look
  • Seanan McGuire’s cats
  • Machetes of Future Past
  • Emily Aster
  • Asteroid P
  • Secret origins
  • Points of entry
  • Headcanon
  • The Wolverine and the X-Men Season 2 that might have been
  • The pros and cons of an isolated X-universe
  • The X-Istentialists
  • Hela’s Angels
  • Namor’s abs
  • What defines the X-Men
  • Mr. Sinister
  • Our X-movie wish lists
  • Wes Anderson’s X-Men (both of them)

NEXT WEEK: Previously on Rachel & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

You can find a visual companion to this episode on our blog!

Find us on iTunes or Stitcher!

Help us keep making cool stuff on Patreon!

We’re not selling prints of this week’s illustration, but you can still contact David Wynne to inquire after the original!


Rachel and Miles Fail to Review the X-Men

Actually, that’s not entirely true. Miles totally reviewed the X-Men, and then I tried to download the files over the crap hotel WiFi so I could edit them, and, yeah, that is definitely not happening.

(Incidentally: This is Rachel, reporting live-ish from Norwescon! I was on five panels today, including a last-minute pinch hit on the Queer Comics panel, and I am a little con-giddy, so.)

ANYWAY, here are some brief thoughts to fill the gaping void the video reviews would otherwise occupy:

Cyclops #12: I am kind of bummed that Black Vortex Cyclops isn’t just Space Pirate Cyclops from Mutant X. I mean, it wouldn’t make sense, but it would be awesome.

Wolverines #19: Can Fantomelle and X-23 run away and be benevolent teen supercriminals together? I would read that book.

Uncanny Avengers #3: I’m still completely indifferent to this arc, but it’s worth it for the Waiting for the Trade strips it has inspired.

PICK OF THE WEEK: Namor’s abs, wherever they may appear.

PANEL OF THE WEEK: I had a really good time on Nuts & Bolts of Comics Writing with G. Willow Wilson today! (Norwescon just recently began introducing comics programming–it’s mostly an old-school SFF con–so today’s comics track ended up being like 90% the Rachel and Willow Show. Also, I just realized that all but one of the comics panels I was on today were all women, and none of them were women-in-comics panels, and that is so cool.)

IN OTHER NEWS: I am really excited about Siege. Kieron Gillen writing Abigail Brand a bunch of Sinister-created Summers clones doing a desperate Westeros Night’s Watch-inflected story? Yes, please.

COMING UP SUNDAY IN THE PODCAST: Our ECCC roundtable with Kieron Gillen, Marguerite Bennet, Kris Anka, Peter Nguyen. Namor’s abs.



April 2015 T-Shirt & Leggings of the Month: Demon Bear

Because you demanded* it: THE DEMON BEAR SHIRT!

Art by David Wynne!
Art by David Wynne!

When David Wynne’s gorgeous Demon Bear illustration went up with Episode 32, a lot of you asked when you’d see it on a t-shirt. We are happy to announce that your wait is over: the Demon Bear is officially April’s t-shirt of the month!

But that’s not all: we’re also doing a limited run of Demon Bear leggings! Do YOU want to wrap your entire body in a nightmare creature from dimensions beyond human ken?** CONGRATULATIONS. NOW YOU CAN.


Demon Bear t-shirts and leggings will be available until May 1, 2015, then disappear forever. (Travel mugs will of course continue to stick around for as long as they remain hilarious.)

*Actually, you have been asking very politely for a very long time now. We appreciate that.

**Before someone asks: We did in fact try to do a Screaming Bear Crotch variant, but alas, it did not work out with the placement of the seams on Redbubble leggings.