Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

ECCC Diary: Day -1


Jay here! A lot of you have written to say you wish you could be at ECCC this weekend. We can’t bring you with us, but hopefully we can give you at least a virtual window (and try a new X-periment on the blog) with a show diary!

Today we:

  • Drove up to Seattle from Portland
  • Dropped party stuff off–and picked up a few books–at the super awesome Phoenix Comics
  • Got our badges and worked out our table set-up! We are experimenting with more vertical arrangements this time, since we’ve only got half a table, and it is a little terrifying. Also, I broke the vase our sign goes in, but was able to repair it with a whooooole lot of duct tape.
  • Got David from the airport. It’s his first time in the U.S.! We went to a restaurant with $5 martinis and very okay barbecue and compared national stereotypes and were generally pretty excited about finally meeting after most of a decade of being Internet friends!
  • Bought groceries. Grocery shopping for cons is always super weird–by the time we get to the store, we’re tired and fuzzy, and it turns into a sort of surreal vacation-like fugue state. This time, we spent a lot of time looking at Spider-Man toys, then mostly bought granola bars, because we are boring adults.
  • Finally got into the place where we’re staying. We’re crashing at a friend’s place while she’s out of town, and her locks are suuuuuuper sticky, so there was some frantic messaging and experimenting, and I was briefly extremely worried that someone would think I was trying to break in. BUT WE DID IT, and we figured out the trick to mostly maybe making the outdoor key work. Kind of. We hope.
  • AND NOW WE ARE IN BED. Oh! And listener BLL, who works at Lush, sent us a ridiculously amazing package of fancy bath-type stuff, which we then forgot to try, but we brought it with us! And I am totally going to try at least a few things every day that we’re here, because it all smells amazing. (I am a creature of capital-H Habit, and am baffled and intimidated by fancy bath products, but BLL included both a detailed guide and a bunch of X-Men references, so I am ON TOP OF THIS.)


Our table! We set everything up, took a photo, and then took most of it down, because we didn't have a dropcloth. BUT! We have a photo, so we will know where it all goes tomorrow.
Our table! We set everything up, took a photo, and then took most of it down, because we didn’t have a dropcloth. BUT! We have a photo, so we will know where it all goes tomorrow. That’s our friend Rue is in the background. She’s awesome.
Lush stuff I tried tonight! The toothpaste tabs are super weird, the charity pot lotion is AMAZING, and the lip balm both smells and tastes kind of like lemon frosting!
Lush stuff I tried tonight! The toothpaste tabs are weird enough that I’m having trouble getting past the novelty to determine whether I actually liked them, the charity pot lotion is AMAZING AND I AM IN LOVE WITH IT, and the lip balm both smells and tastes kind of like lemon frosting! (Guest starring my sweet Spider-Man travel toothbrush.)
Two very tired X-Perts who have to get up very early tomorrow to move their car. GOOD NIGHT, INTERNET!
Two very tired X-Perts who have to get up very early tomorrow to move their car. GOOD NIGHT, INTERNET!


As Mentioned in Episode 103 – Warwolves of London

Listen to the episode here.


Jay & Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 79

Week of March 30, 2016:

In which Jay draws a line in the sand, Rogue hits someone with a bear, Toad develops nuance, and you should totally come see us at ECCC!


  • Uncanny X-Men #5 (01:48)
  • *X-Men ’92 #1 (05:30)
  • All-New X-Men #7 (10:19)

*Pick of the Week (15:05)

You can find our full ECCC lineup over here!

Come join us on Imzy!

Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

As Mentioned in Episode 102 – Baby Race 2000

Listen to the episode here.

Welcome to Imzy, J&MXtX-M! Hope You Survive the… You Know.


Jay here, with a brief break from our regularly-scheduled programming! Along with a handful of other podcasts and communities, we’re part of a very small closed beta for a new community-oriented social platform, Imzy; and we’re very pleased to finally be able to invite you to join us!

If you’ve been around long, you may have noticed that we keep a pretty tight lock on the social media we use. We don’t have a Facebook page. We use Tumblr very casually, and largely to boost and crosspost material from our website. Our YouTube comments are permanently disabled; and we do everything we can to direct discussion to the comments here.

There’s a reason for that: it’s incredibly important to us to have our community spaces be fun, civil, and safe; and for those qualities to be supported at an infrastructural level. The community that has come together–largely independently–around this podcast is freaking amazing. You are some of the most engaged, enthusiastic, and all-around nice people we’ve ever met, on or off the Internet. And we want to keep it that way.

Which is part of why we’re excited about Imzy. It’s explicitly oriented around communities–think the rough structure reddit with actual oversight, infrastructure, and active anti-harassment tools. If it works the way we’re hoping it will, it’ll mean a community that you can post directly to–not just comment on our stuff–and a lot of new ways to engage.

Not only is this so far shaping up to be a pretty cool platform, but you also get a totally sweet bribe for joining us there, because Imzy commissioned an X-clusive giveaway t-shirt from the always-amazing Dylan Todd:


Here’s how it works: Click over here, and enter your info; and we’ll get back to you with an official beta invite ASAP! We’ll also have physical cards with invite codes with us at ECCC.

As I wrote above, we’re pretty excited about this community, but mostly? We’re really looking forward to seeing you there. <3


As Mentioned in Episode 101 – Not Bad, Just Drawn That Way

Listen to the podcast here.

Jay & Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 78

Week of March 16, 2016:

In which the parts of Extraordinary X-Men are greater than their sum; All-New X-Men is the new New Mutants; you should totally come see us at Norwescon and Emerald City Comic Con; and yes, we are aware that it should be Luis Buñuel, but it’s been a long week.


  • Extraordinary X-Men #8 (00:25)
  • *All-New X-Men #6 (05:56)

*Pick of the Week (12:18)

Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!

Counting to 100


Dear Everybody,

On April 13, 2014, we posted the first episode of this ridiculous little podcast: two nerds, at a table, explaining the convoluted continuity of one of our favorite comics.

Almost two years later, it’s like looking back from a different universe. Our weird hobby has become a part-time job. We’ve interviewed some of our favorite creators; traveled across the country; thrown parties and panels; shown up in an actual X-Men comic; been part of an enormous crossover; and explained a quarter of a century of comics continuity. We’ve gone from an audience of friends and family to around 15,000 regular listeners–who, together, have become one of the coolest and tightest-knit communities we’ve had the privilege to be part of.

And you’ve been with us through a lot. In addition to all the stuff above, you turned out for two (soon to be three!) live episodes. You’ve been there through our tenth wedding anniversary; a gender transition and name change; and–as of this week–100 episodes of Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men.

Thanks are in order:

To you, listeners, for sticking with us through 100 episodes of time travel, crossovers, and clones.

To our Patreon subscribers, who let us keep doing what we do ad-free and answerable only to our listeners.

To Kyle Yount, our current producer, who makes us sound way better on the air than we do in the studio.

To Bobby Roberts, our first producer and podcasting mentor, who set one hell of a high bar, and without whom it’s fair to say that none of this would exist in the first place.

To our illustrator and friend David Wynne, who’s bridged what we do back from the audio to the visual.

To AdminstratriX Tina, mistress of the spreadsheets and question files.

To the creators, guest X-Perts, and co-hosts who’ve brought their voices and ideas to our show: Elisabeth Allie, Kris Anka, Marguerite Bennett, Chad Bowers, Elle Collins, Russell Dauterman, Kieron Gillen, Dennis Hopeless, Graeme McMillan, Peter V. Nguyen, Annie Nocenti, Paul O’Brien, Jeff Parker, Greg Rucka, Kieran Shiach, Chris Sims, Si Spurrier, G. Willow Wilson–and last, but far from least, today’s guest: Chris Claremont.

To our off-air partners in crime, Katie Moody and Anna Sheffey, who are just the absolute damn best.

And to the many, many other friends and collaborators who’ve helped make Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men what it is.

Here’s to the next 100.

Jay Rachel Edidin & Miles Stokes


Jay & Miles Review the X-Men, Episode 77

Week of March 9, 2016

In which All-New Wolverine wraps up its first arc, and we have a lot of big announcements.


  • *All-New Wolverine #6

*Pick of the Week

Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men is 100% ad-free and listener supported. These video reviews–and everything else here–are made possible by the support of our Patreon subscribers. If you want to help support the podcast–and unlock more cool stuff–you can do that right here!