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We went to Vegas Valley Comic Book Fest!
Possibly the grooviest Dracula-related cover ever published. (X-Men Annual #6)
HELL, YEAH, IT’S DRACULA! (X-Men Annual #6)
Kitty is having SO MANY FEELINGS, and you will NEVER UNDERSTAND! (X-Men Annual #6)
Check out Cyclops and Nightcrawler exchanging a look, like, “Parents? What the hell are those?” (X-Men Annual #6)
This panel is actually a pretty good encapsulation of what I remember about being 13. (X-Men Annual #6)
TBH, a lot of Kitty’s dreams probably start like this. (X-Men Annual #6)
THAT’S NOT A BAT. (X-Men Annual #6)
Dracula is probably the only person who looked at a bright green catsuit and yellow pouches and thought “stealth.” He’s mysterious like that. (X-Men Annual #6)
Ah, 13: that tender age when a young girl’s heart turns to eldritch summonings. (X-Men Annual #6)
Dracula, that’s really the kind of thing you should be keeping track of. (X-Men Annual #6)
[Eliot Spencer voice] “It’s a very distinctive sound effect.” (X-Men Annual #6)
How does Nightcrawler know the Montesi Formula? Who knows? Who cares? He’s a good pal. (X-Men Annual #6)
OH, SNAP. (X-Men Annual #6)
That’s our Wolvie! (X-Men Annual #6)
Lilith really looks like she’s visiting from an Archie comic. (X-Men Annual #6)
Skids and Northstar!
NEXT EPISODE: Fix the future!
And here’s a bonus gallery of Jay’s convention sketches:
Quentin Quire is indisputably the
Nancy of the X-Men.
Smol Magneto.
Iceman assures you that he is rad.
I’ll always associate X-Men with Dracula thanks to What If? #24, “What If Wolverine Was Lord of Vampires?” Sure, it’s 90s as hell thanks to giving the focus to Wolverine and the Punisher, but the kid version of me really enjoyed how doomed everything felt.(Juggernaut flattens Dr. Strange, Punisher and Wolverine sacrifice themselves to destroy all vampires, and so on.)
I guess Nightcrawler knows the Montesi Formula from his youth with his stepmother Margali, the gypsy witch? He should be sort of used to see and hear certain things.
I can definitely see why Wolfman was annoyed by what Claremont did to Rachel Van Helsing. Adds a bit more of a twist to the whole complicated intertextual relationship between UXM and New Teen Titans.
But I suppose, in Claremont’s defense, one can say that he might not have envisaged that it would really stick. Rachel coming back from this at some point would not be so much genre-appropriate as practically genre-compulsory. It’s rather surprising that she’s never been resurrected: Tomb of Dracula is the sort of well-regarded classic that people like to draw upon, even if the mortal characters were probably not what anyone was reading it for.