Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

477 – Ages of Apocalypse

In which reality shatters; Ghost Rider wants friends; Jay’s toddler weighs in on the X-Men; the Phoenix costume is pretty much perfect; Caliban puts all his resources into an epic mount; and the future is so bright you’re gonna need shades.


  • The Triune Understanding
  • Ages of Apocalypse
  • Uncanny X-Men #378
  • Cable #77
  • Wolverine #148
  • X-Men Unlimited #26
  • X-Men #98
  • Earth-23378
  • Things you can leave to people in a will
  • The Silver Age, but different
  • Apocaclops
  • Aliya Dayspring
  • Chronological inconsistencies
  • Earth-2841
  • The Harpy (Betty Ross)
  • A very different Fantastic Four
  • Earth-32000
  • Siphon
  • The moon
  • Zackat (Wolverine) (long story)
  • Erik the Red (more) (again)
  • The Ladies Mastermind
  • Cadre K
  • Earth-32098
  • X-World
  • The prettiest X-Man
  • The moon’s mutant power

NEXT EPISODE: Powerless!

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  1. Weirdly, that final issue with Alan Davis’ versions of the X-Men as older people is kind of the reason why I don’t read many superhero comics anymore. I realized at a certain point that I didn’t just want the “illusion of change,” but actual growth and change and aging for the characters. I didn’t want to keep reading about characters forever in their 20s. I want them to get old.

  2. In which Jay and Miles talk about cool costumes and the stories they’re featured in. This week’s As Mentioned will be great. 🙂
    But emu is pronounced like the word you. Sure they’re vicious bastards that are closer to their predatory dino ancestors than many birds, but that’s no excuse for sloppy pronunciation!

  3. This is a milestone episode for me.

    Back in the late 90s my city had two comic book shops. The one I went to abruptly closed one day with no advance warning. A few weeks later the other one closed after its owner tried to burn it down for the insurance money. For awhile, the only place to buy new comic books left was a spinner rack in Walden Books, all the way across town. Between that and getting ready for college I ultimately ended up just giving up on reading comics. The only thing I had left was a few months of subscription to Adjectiveless X-Men, rolled over from a gift subscription to X-Factor when that book was cancelled. That subscription expired with #98, making that the last X-Men comic I would read for about five years.

    I’ve gone back and read some of the stuff that comes next, but only bits and pieces. I wouldn’t return to reading X-Men regularly until I was lured back by the return of Rachel Summers in Claremont’s third stint on Uncanny. I’ve gotten close to giving up on it a few times since then, but something (probably inertia) always got me to stick around.

  4. As Miles described the older Mutants trying to re-power Xavier, all I could think was:

    Care Bear Stare

    You’re welcome!

    1. Up until now, the “Randomly combining powers ill be sure to work” approach always makes me think of the Doom Patrol issue where the same idea comes up from the Brotherhood of Dada, and mr Nobody summarsises it as “Let’s all have a groovy love-in”

      But I think I like “Care Bear Stare” _much_ better!

  5. “Apocaclops” also sounds better–only slightly because “Cyclopalypse” works too–in “Mahna Mahna.”

    Apocaclops. Doo doo, doo doo doo.

  6. Definitely a mixed bag and a few e-mails got crossed somewhere about the approach to take, but eeing as it did give us the Alan Davis issue I’ll forgifve it a lot. Storm taking the concept of “weather elemental” to it’s sort of logical conclusion was definitely a highlight!

  7. This is a very late comment because I found these issues to be a slog. I haven’t even finished reading the last one, or listened to the podcast yet. What they really feel like is, someone asked ChatGPT to write some Age of Apocalypse stories.

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