Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men


  1. Yes, as the commenters above said – we’ll be happy whenever e get it!

    But I want to say a special thank you for letting us know what’s going on. It can be so baffling as a fan when the content you’re expecting just doesn’t appear. But thanks for keeping us in the loop!

  2. See above. But also. One of the most relatable images of Scott (and Jean) I will likely ever see. Made me smile.

  3. I was going to post something onto the end of the comments for the last episode, but that’s scrolled past a bit…
    One of the things that I disliked the most about the Krakoan era from the start was the transition of Apocalypse into this archmage character with what felt like an entirely new millennia-in-the-making agenda. Now that the recap is up to the point where Apocalypse is laying all his cards on the table with “here is my master plan that I have been working on for millennia bwah ha ha!”, how do we square that away with him showing up in the Krakoa era playing an entirely different game (with Tarot cards?) and saying, no really, this is what I was doing all along? How well was this justified/explained in the comics? Anyone have any theories?

    1. Maybe he thought he was separated from Arakko and the family for good and always?

      So he started his “Survival of the strongest” routine for a few millenia just as something to do.

  4. As I try to decipher Scott’s words, the closest I can guess is that he’s having a sexy dream about Mrs. Frizzle from The Magic Schoolbus.

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