Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

X-Discussion: November 2024

X-discussion time!

A reminder about our ground rules:

  1. Keep your posts at least tangentially comics-related, please!
  2. If you want to share a link, talk about why you’re sharing it and what you think – this post should be about what you have to say, not just links!
  3. Spoilers are okay, but please mark anything from the last three months like:
    It turns out Lenore Zann was as cool as we’d hoped!
  4. No AI-generated content.
  5. Be respectful! We don’t have to agree about everything, but don’t be a jerk!


  1. Okay, did anyone see the new Lego X-Mansion? I’m not a big lego buy myself (Hasbro Marvel Legends are where my toy $$$ go), but it’s super tempting. Tons of cute easer eggs (DOFP wall, Pyro graffiti, Pic of Xavier with original x-men, etc). However, it’s $300+.

    1. Yeah, with the odd choice of having the X-Men cartoon line up of minifigures; Professor X, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Gambit, Wolverine, Storm, Bishop and… well you think it would be Jubilee, but they’ve replaced her with Iceman instead for some reason.

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