Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

X-Discussion: September 2024

X-discussion time!

A reminder about our ground rules:

  1. Keep your posts at least tangentially comics-related, please!
  2. If you want to share a link, talk about why you’re sharing it and what you think – this post should be about what you have to say, not just links!
  3. Spoilers are okay, but please mark anything from the last three months like:
    Miles has been a Skrull this whole time!
  4. No AI-generated content.
  5. Be respectful! We don’t have to agree about everything, but don’t be a jerk!


  1. This post’s art is from last week’s Marvel 85th Anniversary Special! Which has new Alan Davis Excalibur material! I mean, it’s not the best that’s ever existed, but… Flamingo!

    August was full of hosting visiting family and random thankfully-non-COVID illnesses, so the month kind of flew by… but like I’ve mentioned on the show a couple of times, I got to read all of New Warriors volume 1. It was very 90s and quite delightful! I’ve been enjoying reading through entire old runs of comics on Marvel Unlimited over the last year or two, although it makes the gaps that remain all the more disappointing. (I’m looking at you, Jay Faerber’s New Warriors volume 2! Please upload that, Marvel!) Currently debating whether to follow Firestar and Justice into their Avengers appearances…

    This coming month, one of my oldest friends will be visiting Portland, and I get to show him X-Men ’97 – which is especially exciting since he was the friend I watched the original cartoon with back when it first aired. Personal continuity meets X-continuity!

    1. I think I’ve made the pitch on the Busiek Perez era a few times to you, but DAMN, it is FUN. The art is gorgeous, you get some legit amazing “only in superhero comics” soapiness (Wanda torn between her ex husband and the being of ionic energy whose thought patterns were the basis for her ex husband), and some A+ Thor.

  2. I don’t know if anyone here listens to Hard Choices but they just released an X-Men ep. For those of you who don’t know, Hard Choices is by the folks who did Garden Plots with Skeletor (which both Jay and Miles have guested on) and is a podcast where they take 21 characters from a franchise and rank their f*ckability. It’s pretty delightful, hella queer, and – to add to the connection to this podcast – has occasionally included Hub of TUTD. Anyway, the x-men ep is 2.5 hours (!!!) so I’ll be saving that for a couple of weeks when I drive out to go apple picking, but I’ll report back with my thoughts then. I did though listen to the beginning just to get the list of who they’re including and DAMN it is a STACKED list.

    1. Oh, and Chris Sims (from episode 3 of XPlain and who is responsible for Jay and Miles becoming legit comic characters) is on this ep!

  3. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/navy-seal-astronaut-space-jonny-kim/?utm_term=Task%26Purpose_Today_09.03.24&utm_campaign=Task%20%26%20Purpose_TPToday_Actives_Dynamic&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email

    Y’all should check out this article about the real Super Doctor Astronaut Peter Corbeau! I know this pod isn’t always the biggest fan of the military, but this dude is a Navy SEAL, a pilot, a flight surgeon, an MD, and an astronaut! The closest thing to a real-life Dr. Corbeau we will likely ever see!

    X-Factor 1986 volume1
    I never finished the issues of that least-remembered X-Factor-team.
    Val Cooper
    Mystique (they put something in her brain making so she can only appear as one of the team-members for 30 seconds)
    Sabertooth (restraining-collar that electrocutes his brain if he attacks one of the team-members)

    Mystique & Sabertooth? What could go wrong?!
    It’s kinda corny for that reason.

    Just finished:
    X-Factor 130
    New favourite issue!

    1. (am i not posting this, or are you guys not allowing this..? I smoke a lot of weed, I dont know which)

      [Link redacted by admin]

  5. Is anyone here planning on attending the Uncanny Experience in Minneapolis in a couple weeks? I’m going – first con (or con-adjacent thing) ever for me – and I’m really looking forward to it!

    1. I didn’t find out about it until way after I would have requested off of work, but it looks fun. I’m curious how it goes.

  6. Happy New Marvel Unlimited Day!

    Large stretches of 90’s Excalibur and Generation X dropped. I can fill in my Generation X gaps! And a real steamy Nightcraler/Cerise cover.

    And Ghost Rider featuring my fave D-list villains, The CIRCUS of CRIME! Be still my heart.

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