Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

461 – Things to Do in Denver When You’re X-Force

In which Magneto may be right but is also wildly impractical; X-Force goes on a sneaking mission; Magneto isn’t mad, he’s just disappointed; Rictor and Shatterstar return; Strong is not a common surname in the Marvel universe; and being a mutant on TV doesn’t mean you’re one in the comics.


  • How Jubilee became a vampire
  • The most X-treme youth of them all
  • X-Force 94-95
  • X-Force Annual 1999
  • Genosha
  • Butler disambiguation
  • Clown jobs
  • A team-up predicated on an awkward breakup
  • Hammer Town
  • Delphi
  • Memory boxes
  • Several potential continuity error
  • Names
  • Genoshan robots
  • Archie
  • A hierarchy of potential fates
  • Vershiagen Industries and/or Vershlagen Industries
  • V2
  • Hanrancha
  • Stronghold
  • Martin Strong
  • Freddie
  • Michelle Balters (Neurotap) (more) (again)
  • Communication with X-teams
  • A sudden and depressing resolution
  • Continuity across media
  • Why Gambit doesn’t (usually) throw tarot cards

NEXT EPISODE: The Return of the Hellions (kinda)

The visual companion to this episode will be up later this week!

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  1. It was kind of fun to hear the Tarot card discussion while I’m playing Persona 4. (The Persona series uses the Tarot, especially the Major Arcana, as recurring thematic element especially in the classification of the main characters’ relationships.)

  2. I think the best of both worlds when it comes to the Maximoff retcons is to have a character speculate that Wanda could have used her reality warping powers to make it so she was once related to Magneto but now never was. It would fit with their character and fit with her powers.

    Best part, they don’t have to confirm it. Just speculate that it’s possible and then move on.

  3. I recall a panel being shared here of Cyclops saying something to the tune of “it’s important to be precise about these things,” and in that spirit I will mention that (if I heard it correctly) Miles said “half-hazardly,” which is kind of great and I will be adding it to my malaproplexicon.

    1. Ha, I believe that! Haphazardly is one of those words I read before I heard as a kid, so I created a pronunciation in my head based on the spelling. Kinda like how I pronounced infrared as rhyming with scared, rather than as infra-red. I’ve tried to remind my brain how things are actually pronounced, but… brains be brainin’ sometimes. (I like the idea of acting chaotically being related to half a hazard, though!)

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