Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

X-Discussion: August 2024

X-Discussion time!

A reminder about our ground rules (which are especially relevant again since Deadpool & Wolverine just came out like a week ago):

  1. Keep your posts at least tangentially comics-related, please!
  2. If you want to share a link, talk about why you’re sharing it and what you think – this post should be about what you have to say, not just links!
  3. Spoilers are okay, but please mark anything from the last three months (especially that movie I just mentioned) like:
    Jay is actually Weapon XXV!
  4. No AI-generated content.
  5. Be respectful! We don’t have to agree about everything, but don’t be a jerk!


  1. I would have some SPOILER stuff to say about that new movie… but I’m not seeing it until Sunday. So I’ll be trying to avoid spoilers myself until then!
    Other than that, Avengers Academy on Marvel Unlimited has been delightful. It’s queer and adorable and you should read it.

    1. I didn’t know about this! My partner is currently in the USA (we’re Brits) but will check it out when he’s back.

      (Mind you it may not have dropped here yet…)

  2. Hey everyone.

    I’ve just achieved a personal milestone. Three years ago I got Marvel Unlimited and rediscovered the X-Men (was a big fan when so was a kid in the 90s). I decided to read every team X-book from 1963 until 2000! I have just finished!!!

    There’s some amazing stuff in there. And some dicey bits.

    Gonna do some Spidey for a while but will then tackle the next decade.

    I feel it may be unrealistic to read every X-book from 2000-2009. Anyone got any ideas about where to focus?

    Gareth x

    1. Whoa! That’s so much X-stuff! (And you’ve now read some stuff that Jay and I still haven’t, nice.)

      As for 2000-2009… Weird era, but there’s some great stuff in there. I’m a fan of New Mutants volume 2, which led into New X-Men: Academy X, which later was just called New X-Men. I’m interested to see what other folks recommend from that decade as well!

  3. Super exited for the news of the possible Luciano Vecchio New Warriors book next year. I was gutted when his outlawed new warriors was scrapped because of covid and complainers about a book they would never have read. Hope some of the elements from that previous series make their way into this one. Lobve the New Warriors.

    1. New Warriors 28 was my first ever comic when I was 10. I saw it on the news stand and recognised Firestar from the Spider-Man and his amazing friends cartoon I had loved when I was younger. It began my life-long love affair with Marvel.

      I haven’t read the outlaw stuff yet but I’m gonna.

      Would love to see the Warriors in the MCU!

  4. FYI Miles, this post has gotten backdated again, to July 1. So it isn’t at the top of the main feed.

    1. Hmm, must be something to do with the way I’m drafting these – I’ll keep a closer eye on that next time. Thanks for letting me know; fixed!

  5. Okay, so I have a VERY important question for the chat. Perhaps the most crucial question ever posed to the blogosphere.

    As a Brit, I have always adored stories about Muir Island (though in year 8 geography I was devastated to learn it does not exist on our earth…or so the government tells us).

    I have noticed that Jay and Miles (particularly Miles) usually refer to it as “Muir Isle” rather than “Muir Island”.

    I was wondering: is this just a creative choice? If so, I TOTALLY support it. Or, has Moira’s base of operation being referred to as “Muir Isle” within continuity?

    Does anyone know? I shall not rest until this conundrum is satisfied.


    I watched Deadpool & Wolverine with some friends last weekend! I’m not sure if/when Jay and I will do an episode about it (we didn’t for the first two), so some brief thoughts:

    It’s no secret I’m not a huge Deadpool fan, but I did enjoy the first couple of movies quite a bit, as much as the ultraviolence part wasn’t my favorite. And this one – well shit, it’s more of the same but with SO MANY X-references (and Fox movie references). I was kind of surprised there wasn’t more in the way of plot tie-ins to the X-Men movies, aside from the all-too-brief appearances of Laura Kinney, but that being the case due to the movie’s version of Wolverine not having any surviving teammates might have been for the best – it’s a movie in the Deadpool series, after all, and X-continuity has a way of overwhelming everything around it.

    That said, it was an oddly sweet farewell to the Fox movies – not just the X-ones! I was not expecting that! And even though Deadpool remains a kinda terrible person and the movie was snarky as hell, there was a clear respect for all of that old stuff. Hell, freakin’ Elektra got a second chance here! And I have to say, the reveal of which character Chris Evans was actually playing damned near made me fall out of my seat.

    Also: Gambit. Wonderful.

    But… so many Wolver-references! AoA Wolverine? Patch? Logan actually being short? Cassandra Freakin’ Nova! Who was terrifying and awesome! This may not have been an actual X-Men story in any significant way, but it was full of treats for X-Fans. And height aside, Huge Act-Man remains a pretty excellent Logan.

    So that’s me. I liked it! Even if I wish Domino was back from Deadpool 2… she was the best.

    What did you all think?

      I didn’t see that coming!
      I messed my pants.
      Imagine an ALL AOA movie someday 🤯🤯🔥🔥

      Why didn’t Wolverine cut-through that metal door(@ the end) with his claws that can cut through metal-doors???
      He supposed to have claws I can cut through anything

    2. So I just saw it last week as well.

      Like Jay & Miles, I’ve never been a Deadpool comics fan but I found the first two films really fun.

      I actually enjoyed DPII more than DP&W – though I did enjoy the most recent offer. It felt a bit like they were forcing the chemistry between the two main characters.

      That said, it was a clever and poignant tribute – and farewell – to the fox universe. Literally consigning it to the void was a clever literary ploy.

      And to be honest, when Chris Evans makes an appearance, how wrong can you really go? Very clever to make him Johnny. That caught me off guard and I loved it.

    1. This seems so unfair. I’m pretty sure it was Hama that came up with the idea of Magnet wrapping our Logan’s adamantium. Probably the most iconic 90s story.

  7. I just learned something that requires accepting 3 different sets of canon to be true.

    Destiny isn’t named AFTER Irene Adler from the Sherlock Holmes stories, according to Marvel she IS Irene Adler from the Sherlock Holmes stories. (And Mystique was/is Sherlock.)

    The author of Star Trek 4 has stated in interviews that Spock isn’t quoting Doyle in a line from the movie, he’s quoting his ancestor, Sherlock Holmes, many generations back on his mom’s human side of the family.

    Unfortunately, while the X-Men and Star Trek have crossed over several times in comics and novels, I don’t think Spock has ever sat down for tea with his great-great-great-great-great-great grandmums.

      1. Hard core Sherlock fans have been pretending that Sherlock was a real person since the 1930’s. I’m sure there are many other odd “coincidences” largely caused by this. The Spock thing is mentioned in “Luke Skywalker Can’t Read”, pg 83.

        1. Well before then, I think. When Holmes was “killed” at the Reichenbach Falls in 1893’s “The Adventure of the Final Problem”, there was some reporting of public mourning through the wearing of black crepe bands (Though that may have been a case of cunning marketing boosting the story).

          If there’d been an internet back then, the Sherlock OG fanbase would have broken it! 🙂

      1. Rad! I used to especially love Julie Bell’s trading card art. That’s probably why I have so much affection for Locus, as minor a character as she is: great trading card.

        1. Epic collection, all gathered!
          Art is crazy good.

          All character’s costumes look like they are made of paint.
          The artist is a butt-cheeks perv

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