Listen to the episode here.
A hell of a cover… (X-Force #91)
…and a hell of a title page. (X-Force #91)
Standard superhero comic art this is not! (X-Force #91)
I want to read an X-Force that looks like this! (X-Force #91)
For your reaction image folder. (X-Force #91)
An anticlimactic breakup. (X-Force #91)
This issue is full of unconventional and perfect panels. (X-Force #91)
Theresa versus alcoholism – with all the drama of a final boss fight. (X-Force #91)
*sniffle* (X-Force #91)
We’re pretty sure that’s actually what the door says. (X-Force #92)
Only a slightly weirder computer case design than Apple’s Power Mac G4 Cube. (X-Force #92)
Cool colors versus warm colors – FIGHT! (X-Force #92)
Domino does what we all wanted to. (X-Force #92)
*heavy sigh* (X-Force #92)
“Neena Thurman – this is your life!” (X-Force #92)
Fake-Cable does not have game. (X-Force #92)
Casual Friday has gone too far! (X-Force #93)
What a lovely and colorful bee-fight! (X-Force #93)
Electryon and Astarte. (X-Force #93)
The four humors. (X-Force #93)
…and the four elements? (X-Force #93)
FTTTT (X-Force #93)
Danielle Moonstar: as short history. (X-Force #93)
Ry’lor the Destroyer: a short history. (X-Force #93)
It’s amazing how many problems can be solved with a time bomb to the face! (X-Force #93)
NEXT TIME: Miles and Devin x-plain X-Patrol!
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