Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

457 – Stinking at the Moon

In which the theme is too many inkers; Cecilia Reyes has no patience for your bullshit; Genosha’s going to be just fine (it’s not); we would watch a supercut of Fabian Cortez getting punched; we bid an abrupt farewell to Gaia; and comics are exhausting, yet captivating.


  • Dazzler’s murder trial
  • X-Men Unlimited #24
  • The past and future of X-Men Unlimited
  • Doctor Cecilia Reyes
  • Ghost Pirate Cap’n Bloodscream
  • Wolverine and friends
  • Pushing your kid out of a plane as a basic first aid skill
  • Banter
  • The Silver Samurai (Keniuchio Harada)
  • Sunfire and the Big Hero Six
  • Projectile-based wordplay
  • Irene Adler, spoiler machine
  • Genosha (again)
  • The Cabinet of Doctor Lensherr
  • Magneto’s panties
  • Stupid metaphors
  • Football stars and their football cars
  • Magneto’s nuanced and baby-filled past
  • Generation X #51
  • Hunter & Tristan Brawn
  • Helicopter grandparents
  • Artie & Leech, perpetual moppets
  • Emma Frost, forever traumatized
  • Generation X’s new costumes
  • Gaia as the Bird Boy of Generation X
  • Peach Momoko’s Ultimate Armor
  • Sauron and the Lizard’s agendas and fashion
  • Comic book collecting preferences

NEXT EPISODE: Some damned fine X-Force.

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  1. I confess I’m slightly confused as to why some of the Gen X kid need masks for their costumes. Given their mutations, wouldn’t some sort of disguise make more sense for their civilian identities, given that one of the USP’s of GenX was that several of the class couldn’t pass for human (Jono, Penance and Skin, as well as Artie and Leech).

    I confess I never thought the original Gen X costumes really worked as training gear. Stylish, yes, but they barely looked comfortable, being bulky and heavy leather never mind something to train in (and leaving aside whoever the heck Paige’s powers work when she’s wearing clothes. But these new ones look a little more traditional.

    As ever, I know I am amongst my people when the Gaia comparison immediately made me think “She and Magma should meet up for drinks”, and then two seconds later bingo, mein hosts say pretty much exactly the same thing!

    I bet if the X-Men want to annoy Destiny they send Cable, Bishop and Rachel in to talk to her. Three temporal anomalies all from different adjacent timelines (and one of whom ping pongs through spacetime like an over muscled TARDIS) must give her SUCH a migraine.

    1. I often, meanwhile, wondered how horrible it would be to be Bishop and have a song stuck in your head that there’s no way of listening to because it won’t be recorded for 70+ years.

  2. I’d love to see a writer take a bunch of those X-Men characters who just completely disappeared and send them all on a mission together: Gaia, Fixx, Bedlam, the ’00s Thunderbird, the ’10s Sprite, not Slipstream or Lifeguard, etc. Bonus points if Forget Me Not is the team leader. Seems like a perfect fit for the Unlimited digital series.

    1. They possibly had their own little corner of Krakoa, called Deelist, which was somehow always out of shot in any panoramic pans across the Krakoan habitats.

  3. The reason strong-man acts of the late 1800s and early 1900s wore the “shorts over leotard” setup was basically because of the morality police (as embodied by the, y’know, actual police). A lot of people considered circuses immoral and were looking for really any reason to charge the circus with being lewd. That led the acts to add a leotard body suit to the original minimal clothing (short-shorts) so they couldn’t be accused of showing too much skin, but they kept the shorts as a back-up measure to ensure that nobody could say their junk was still clearly visible, or if a seam split they couldn’t be charged with nudity.

    But the shorts on the outside make for a better look than a full body suit anyway. A skin-tight bodysuit with nothing around the waist gives the impression of nudity even if they’re completely covered, which is off-putting for a lot of people. There needs to be a color change around the waist (whether it’s actual separate pants, a heavy color-contrasted belt, or the ‘undies on the outside’ look) to break up that visual line.

    I think the Snyderverse Superman was designed that way on purpose, to make him look alien and unsettling. That’s not a negative as such, but it feels like a misstep to do that to Superman in specific. Not to say Superman Must Have Underwear or anything, but he at least needs a more visible belt than the black wire thing they gave him as the most minimal gesture at a waist.

  4. I’m nearly caught up, actually just listening to episode 450 and I love it sooooo much!!! Not the Draco obviously but really the xplaination that the two of you provide of the Draco, so much fun and hilarious! The only thing better would have been being there live in person to see the episode recorded. However I digress. I wanted to thank you both so much for taking the time to answering my question about collecting. So I’ve been looking ahead at the episode description to see if maybe you’d answer it and today when I looked I saw “comic book collecting preferences” in the episode description. And I jumped up down yelling that’s my question! So I skipped ahead in the episode to hear what each of you had to say. It means a lot to me that you took it seriously and gave good advice. Honestly it had never occurred to me that I could collect my favorite runs repeatedly. Thus still getting the high of the hunt. I’m very interest in replacing the stuff I really love reading with trades, keeping the back issues what I truly love (New Mutant, X-Force and Claremont’s X-men run) and getting read of the rest. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  5. My memory was the format of Unlimited doesn’t really change. Looking it up it looks like I’m right. There’s a couple loose tie-ins to crossovers but really only one significant issue in the whole rest of the run. That’s #27 which is the origin of Thunderbird III and is now most important for introducing Karima Shapandar the Omega Sentinel .

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