Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men

As Mentioned in Episode 319 – Giant-Size Special #9

Listen to the episode here!


The written list of the SDAPCAfEaX winners will go up on Monday! If you are a creator who won and would like a physical award, drop us a line, and we will make it happen.


  1. If you like John Paul Leon’s pencils (and those lush inks) on TFAOCAP, you might want to check out Duncan Fegredo’s artwork, as well. There are quite a few stylistic similarities. Fegredo teamed up with Mike Mignola on a few Hellboy arcs back in the day – when Mignola took a break from illustrating the title. Interestingly, Fegredo ALSO worked with Peter Milligan on DC/Vertigo’s Enigma limited series before that, which I quite enjoyed as a youth.

  2. Hey kids! Thank you so much for the content this past year. We got through an Age of Apocalypse! Working as a nurse during a global pandemic, losing family (in all the way that might mean), experiencing potential job insecurities, fighting an uphill battle for racial justice (right here in South Minneapolis), our city struggling with unprecedented homelessness, giving the finger to a tyrant and their complicit party, life hasn’t been easy and many times very dark. I have a few places I turn to that really pick me up, and your show, because of you and your humanity, are one of those. Truly thank you so much for the HawkTalk episodes. Jay, I know you have said that you are especially more private than Miles, but thank you both for sharing so much this year.
    I don’t mean to make this too sappy, but I rarely contribute to the community here. So, while I rarely comment, and have yet to engage in-person (maybe one day, post-pandemic), I felt it was important for you to know what you and your show mean to me.

  3. Hey, I’m gradually catching up, and I’m not finding the written list of Corbeau winners either for 2019 or 2020 in the archives… Was it not posted, or was it posted somewhere else?
    (both years the as mentioned posts talk about a separate post with the winners going up the following week, but I can’t find them in the archive)

    (It’s possible the 2020 one – corresponding to this post – is a bit after and I haven’t seen it, but I’ve been reading every post on this blog up til here and haven’t found the 2019 one)

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