WHOA DANG! Emerald City Comic Con is just around the corner, and we’ll be there ALL FOUR DAYS!
Here are the details:

- HOME BASE: KK10 in Artist Alley, on WSCC Level 6! We’ll be around all weekend, talking X-Men, selling cool swag (LILA SHIRTS ARE ON, Y’ALL), and generally being delightful miscreants.
- LIVE SHOW: Saturday! 6:30 PM! TCC L3-R3! Join us for a LIVE episode, with guests Vita Ayala, Seanan McGuire, and Leah Williams!
- PARTY: Saturday! 8-10 PM (right after the live show)! Phoenix Comics & Games! Hangouts, hijinks, and pie! No badge needed! Details here.
Someday, I hope that Jay’s book of ridiculous headcanon will be made available for those of us who can’t make it to one of your conventions. Actually, I haven’t looked at your patreon goals in a while, but that would make a great (or at least amusing) lower-level reward, if it isn’t already.
FWIW, members of the community have historically been lovely about picking up and mailing zines &c. to folks who can’t make it to shows. If you want to ask on Twitter or Tumblr, we’d be happy to signal-boost.
Great pic guys 😀