Jay here!
A quick heads up: for the next few weeks I’ll be out of town, getting and then recovering from top surgery (Yay!).
Here’s what to expect:
PODCASTS: Business as usual! We’ve recorded ahead a few weeks out, and the splendid Elisabeth Allie is going to be filling in so that I can take a few consecutive weeks off. Miles will be handling the copy and visual companions for an episode or two; please be nice to him as he gets his sea legs.
VIDEO REVIEWS: Miles is flying solo while I’m in Florida! Depending on the concentration of books, video reviews will go up either weekly or every other week. Also, I stole the external mic so we could record episode 93, so, that might be a thing. SORRY, MILES!
EVERYTHING ELSE: Blog and social media will probably be pretty quiet for at least the first week; and you should expect significant delays on e-mail correspondence. If you need to get in touch with us about something time-sensitive between now and January 23, please e-mail xplainthexmen(at)gmail(dot)com with “ATTN: MILES” in the subject line.
Hope the surgery goes as smoothly as you would hope Jay, and best wishes for your recuperation!
You will be missed but I’m super happy for you. Congrats on this next step in your journey!
Top surgery?
Happy for you, Jay! Best wishes for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery!
Best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!
Hope your surgery and recovery go well. I’m looking forward to Elizabeth Allie. Maybe I’m biased towards the Asgard episodes, but I liked her last time she appeared. I’m kind of curious what the captions of Miles’ companion images will sound. Will he be trying to approximate your witty snark or will they reflect his brand of genuine love of liking things?
Here’s hoping everything goes smoothly and as painlessly as possible!
Be well, Jay! Hope the surgery go quickly without pain.
Wow! All my best wishes for the surgery, and congrats!! In the mean time, thanks Miles for filling in. I always look forward to your videos, and especially the podcasts.
You’ll be missed, but I hope it’s all smooth sailing with your surgery! Wishing you the best.
Best wishes for a quick, easy recovery!
Good luck, Jay. I hope the surgery goes well.
Hope the surgery goes perfectly. Heal quick, Jay.
Good luck!
Be well; recover quickly. You’ll be missed, but we’ll be overjoyed when you’re back!
Good luck.
Best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery 🙂
To confirm: I’ll be reviewing this week and next week’s comics together next week. That video should go up on the 21st or 22nd!
But after that will we see the triumphant return of Broom With Shades?
I’m pretty sure there’s a hole in the base of the Mike head that could fit a broomstick. Just sayin’.
That’ll be six books to review by my count. Good luck!
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miles, I was SO looking forward to hearing you GUSH about the epicness that was the end of Secret Wars. I guess I have to wait another week…
That’ll have to do for now! Can’t wait to hear more next week!
Best wishes on your surgery jay I hope everything goes perfect and that you have a swift recovery!!
All the best in your surgery, Jay.
Good luck and best wishes! 🙂
Same thing everyone up there said!
Well, except Miles because I’m here as a well-wisher rather than a video comics reviewer. But everything else!
Best wishes, Jay!
Best wishes!!
Good luck with Surgery, Jay. It’s always wierd to me to hear people x-plain X-Men without your voice. Recover well.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
We’ll miss you Jay and all hoping everything goes off without a hitch! You two are just the best and thanks for all that you do!
Hope all is well with you, J, and for a speedy and painless recovery.