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These covers, man. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #1)
Well, that’s weirdly anticlimactic. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #1)
“FWIDAY.” (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #1)
Reed Richards is a terrible parent, even by superhero standards. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #1)
“Also, you really need to learn to dress better, because this is just embarrassing.” (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #1)
Well, that’s not even a little bit portentous. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #1)
They just get bleaker and bleaker. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #2)
Aw. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #2)
What. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #2)
WELL THEN. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #2)
If I had a dollar for every time I rescued a sailor and it turned out to be a Doombot… (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #2)
Reed, he literally just said he was doing it for free. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #2)
Definitely not a thing that happens at any point during the actual series. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #3)
Aw, Kitty. Aw, Franklin. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #3)
Aw, Kitty and Franklin. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #3)
Reed Richards is his own unreliable narrator. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #3)
Still a terrible parent, but he has his moments. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #3)
THAT SOUND EFFECT THO (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #3)
‘Kay. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
Aw, Kitty. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
Why, yes, half the captions in this post are variations on “Aw.” I REGRET NOTHING. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
AW. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
AWWWW. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
One of us has some Feelings about this whole scenario. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
Best faces, or best faces? (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
Taaaaaake another drink. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Storm’s AMAZING outfit. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
Okay, then.
Franklin Richards: Normal Human Meat Child. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
IT JUST DOESN’T STOP BEING FUNNY. (Fantastic Four Versus the X-men #4)
NEXT WEEK: X-Factor still can’t get the hang of doors.
L’Shanah Tovah!
I love that Lockheed straight up has kitten paws in this
1. Awwwww, CC…
2. Bogdanove is the f***ing best.
3. I recently found something in the fifth pic you’ve posted (that in which Franklin awakes from his nightmare). Look carefully at Ben’s poster: it’s said that he’s gonna fight vs. “Vicki Glo…”. Good comic fans know that Vicki Glori is a female wrestler, aunt of Maggie, one of the “Locas” of Jaime Hernandez’s “Love & Rockets”. As I said before: Bogdanove is the f***ing best.
The page with Susan accusing Doom is actually funnier when you imagine him nonchalantly having a manicure like I firsty did.
This is a late comment, but I have a weird memory of this series. I remember running across this when I was looking through my mom’s comic collection and those covers catching my eye. It was like they actually told their own story, which is something I’ve never seen in a comic before or since. I never actually read it though cause I wasn’t sure if they could live up to the cover.
Even later comment!! I read this when it came out and being British it’s a bit of a rarity… by some coincidence I was reading it whilst The Wizard of Oz was on in the background and noticed that the courtyard/ramparts at the top of Dooms castle is in fact copied directly from a longshot at the top if the Witch’s castle… it amused me…
Those covers! I remember discovering this series in back issue drawers years ago and buying them purely on the basis of those covers. Not as apocalyptic as I was expecting them to be, but still very enjoyable.