The visual companion to Episode 68 will be up a little late, because we’ve been moving all weekend. Meanwhile, please enjoy a sneak peek at our new home, which can double as a rousing game of Spot the Anna!
Good luck moving; it’s SUCH a chore. We’ll all be missing you and thinking about you here this week (though I have no doubt the guest x-plainers will be marvelous).
So is the Malice you were talkling about in the podcast the same Malice who possessed Sue Richards in X-Men? Because as I recall that Malice wasn’t tied to some hunk of jewelry, and was more a twisting of Sue’s personality by the Hate Monger, rather than an actual separate being.
Big ups for the KRAKA-DOOM on one of the boxes.
I love how its mostly comics
They’re just the front layer. SO MANY BOOKS.
Congratulations and good luck on your new home!
Thank you!
I hope the KRAKA-DOOM box holds Simonson’s Thor run, cause that would be perfect.
I think it’s mostly Archies and Caspers. 😉
Good luck moving; it’s SUCH a chore. We’ll all be missing you and thinking about you here this week (though I have no doubt the guest x-plainers will be marvelous).
So is the Malice you were talkling about in the podcast the same Malice who possessed Sue Richards in X-Men? Because as I recall that Malice wasn’t tied to some hunk of jewelry, and was more a twisting of Sue’s personality by the Hate Monger, rather than an actual separate being.
The answer to that reaches cold-open levels of convolution: