We get questions.
We get a lot of questions.
But there are some questions we get more than others.
This is the second of a multi-part series. As we post questions and answers on the blog, we’ll also add them to the FAQ page!
- I’ve never read any X-Men. Where should I start?
- I want to jump into current X-books. Where should I start for a vague understanding of what’s currently going on?
- Where can I find a good reference guide to crossovers and reading order for multiple X-series?
- What current X-books do you recommend?
I’ve never read any X-Men. Where should I start?
- For a self-contained story covering a lot of the silver age: X-Men: Season One
- For the long-game path to the present: Giant-Size X-Men #1
- For a fairly thorough walk-up to the modern era: Morrison/Quitely’s run on New X-Men, followed by Whedon/Cassady’s on Astonishing X-Men, followed by Messiah Complex. Continue in order from there.
I want to jump into current X-books. Where should I start for a vague understanding of what’s currently going on?
Where can I find a good reference guide to crossovers and reading order for multiple X-series?
We like UncannyXMen.net! For the Silver Age, check out the X-Axis archives.
What current X-books do you recommend?
- If you want to keep abreast of current line-wide events and only plan to subscribe to one or two titles: Uncanny X-Men and All-New X-Men.
- If you like character-driven stories, space adventures, and solo books that stand alone: Cyclops.
- If you like globally-oriented character-driven stories and solo books branching directly from team books: Storm.
- If you like cross-genre team stories with strong authorial voice: X-Force.
- If you like teenagers and time travel: Wolverine and the X-Men.
- If you like war stories: Savage Wolverine.
- If you like pictures of Gambit half-naked and covered in kittens: X-Factor.
- If you miss old-school Claremont: Nightcrawler.
For an ongoing guide to what’s on the shelves, you can catch our weekly video reviews of current titles here.
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